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My grandma comes in carrying pizza and shuts the door behind her "what's happened honey?" She sits down and sticks the pizza in the middle off us and opens it grabbing a slice "tell me everything." I take a slice of pizza and eat into it "boys, grandma." I take a deep breath and shake my head "they are the worse!" She grabs the whiskey and pours a glass and hands me it "have this and tell me everything." I take the whisky and raise my eyebrows "really?" She nods agreeing and pours herself a glass "cheers." We cheer's and she pours me another "well my so-called boyfriend has been sleeping with another girl." She looks at the glass and smirks "you are going to need more." She pours more whiskey into my glass and I laugh softly "thank." She pours herself one and drinks it in one "what a jackass!" I look at her and laugh "grandmaaa!" She laughs and pours herself another glass "sorry but that's a bad move from both off them actually." She wipes away my tears and smiles "he's an arsehole and she's a nasty bitch and they are not worth your tears my little warrior." She pours me another whiskey and nod agreeing "how about I take you shopping tomorrow to cheer you up since we didn't get too do it today?" I drink the whiskey in one and nod agreeing slowly "that sounds perfect thank you grandma." She kisses my cheek and squeezes my hand before getting up and walking towards the door "oh and Misty?" I look up towards her and smile "yeah." She smirks and shrugs "the best way to get over someone is too take risks and live your life to the extreme." She opens the door and winks "a pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying over some Hollywood jackass." I smile and blow her a kiss "goodnight Grandma." She nods agreeing and blows a kiss back "goodnight sweetheart."

She closes the door behind her and I get up and walk towards the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror and clean under my eyes and take a deep breath before heading back into the room grabbing the whiskey and pouring myself another large glass and drinking it in one pouring myself another before realising the bottle was empty "dammit!" I walk towards the door and head downstairs and into the kitchen and look in the cupboard and see my grandpa's whiskey and smile "bingo!" I grab a bottle and grab a larger glass and sit at the table and open the whiskey pouring it into the glass. Hulk comes into the kitchen and lies down next to me and I smile pouring myself another large glass "screw it." I down the glass and drink from the bottle. When I finish the bottle. I burp and take a deep breath shaking my head and look back towards Hulk and see him sleeping. I smile softly and sneak out the kitchen and head upstairs when my belly starts too rumble. I grab my jacket and check my pockets and pull out my car keys sticking them back into my pocket before sticking my jacket on and grabbing my phone heading out the bedroom door and down the stairs out the front door towards my car.

I get into the car and shake my head and spot a crate off bottled water in the back and grabbing a bottle drinking it in one. I stick the keys in and my phone dings "who is texting me this late?" I pick up my phone and see a text messages from Cameron 'Ethan just told me what happened ok you?' I look at the time and raise my eyebrows 'It's 2AM why are you still awake? yeah I am fine' I start the car and drive out the driveway down the road "now where can I go for food?" I turn on the satnav and search for food places that will be open and see a bar that is open 24/7 "that will do." I smile and stick it in the satnav and drive down the road.

Halfway down the road I shake my head and lick my lips "where's that water?" I grab another bottle from the back seats and nearly crash into a mailbox "whoops." I swirl out the way off it and laugh nervously "maybe I should have sobered up a little." I take a deep breath and shrug. I pour half the bottle of water over my face and shake my head "better." When I reach the town border my phone dings and I reach down and grab it and see a text message from Cameron 'I just got back from the vets why are you awake? good I was worried when Ethan told me.' I ring her and stick her on speaker "hey you night hawk." She answers after the third ring and I laugh softly "hey girl!." She laughs sarcastically "someone sounds drunk?" I laugh softly and nod agreeing "maybe." I press my foot too hard on the gas making the car roar "where are you?" I look out the window "eh..." I see the town border sign "I have just gone past the town border." She shakes her head and laughs nervously "what? Where are you gone at this time?" I laugh softly and shrug "I needed food so going too that bar by the diner because they are the only place that does food all day so heading there." I look at the satnav and smile when I see It's 2 miles up the road. "I can imagine your dad isn't happy about you making him drive all the way out there for food." I laugh awkwardly and shake my head "I'm not with my dad." I cough and laugh softly biting my lip "I'm myself."

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