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I take my shoes and trousers off and stick the pj bottoms Cameron gave me on and start taking my top off when I hear someone knock the door "be out in a minute!" The door opens and I take my T-shirt off and see Ethan smiling towards me "Misty!" He runs towards me and hugs me "oh my god." He kisses my cheek and I smile "hey you." He looks me up and down and shakes his head "are you ok?" I smile and nod agreeing "I am fine." He spots the scratch on my neck "did he?" He runs him finger over it and take a deep breath "did he hurt you?" I shake my head and take a deep breath "no I am fine." He smiles and take a deep breath "good." He kisses me and lifts me up wrapping my legs around him. I laugh softly and shake my head "we should go downstairs." He puts me down and laughs nervously "you should maybe stick a T-shirt on first." He smirks and looks towards me and I roll my eyes and stick the T-shirt on "let's go."

He walks out the door and I follow him and run downstairs into the kitchen where everyone is "here she is." Edmund hugs me and smiles "Misty!" My dad runs over and hugs me "are you alright?" I nod agreeing and smile "I am fine." My grandpa shakes his head and pushes him away "give her space too breath." I smile and hug my grandpa "hey grandpa." He kisses my head and take a deep breath "you sure you're ok?" I roll my eyes and scoff "I am fine." I sit down and Nicolas walks over with a beer and hands me it smirking "she said she is fine so give the girl space jeez." I take the beer and take a deep breath "honestly guys I am fine." I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "I am not sure Cody or Hiram will be though."

My dad sits down next to me and smiles softly "I called Phil once Ethan told me and he said that he is going to have a word with Cody and tell him too back off." I shake my head and look at Ethan "he didn't take me because I am the red shield." Edmund shakes his head and raises his eyebrows "then why did he take you?" Ethan scoffs "probably because she rejected him." I shake my head and take a deep breath "no it was because Ethan's grandpa killed Cody's mum." Ethan looks at Edmund and shakes his head "Grandpa Henry?" Edmund shakes his head "no it will be your mum's dad." Ethan shakes his head "what's that got to do with Misty then?" I look down and take a deep breath "Ethan wanted to hurt you and knew the only thing that would really hurt you will be too hurt or kill me." He take a deep breath and shakes his head "I will kill him."

He runs out the door and Grayson take a deep breath "I will get him." Grayson runs after him and I shake my head "Edmund?" Edmund looks at me and smiles "yeah?" I take a deep breath and show him my wrist "what does the full moon mean?" Edmund's face drops and Nicolas runs over and shakes his head "oh no!" Nicolas runs towards the back door and makes sure It's locked "get the boys in." Edmund stands there shocked and shakes his head "what does it mean Denver!" My dad shakes his head and walks towards him "the wolf is coming." He looks at my dad and shakes his head "tonight." We hear a loud howl echo from outside and Nicolas looks towards the front door "get in here yous two!" Ethan and Grayson walk in and Ethan shakes his head "what?" Edmund looks at Ethan and shakes his head slowly "I am sorry." He runs off upstairs and Ethan looks at me "what happened?" I look down and take a deep breath "I." Nicolas walks in and looks out the kitchen window locking it "the wolf is planning on attacking." He closes the blind and looks at me "tonight." Ethan shakes his head and looks at Grayson and Cameron "lock the windows." They run out the kitchen and start locking all the windows.

Edmund runs downstairs holding the black book and shakes his head "you and Ethan could do the bond?" I look at Edmund and raise my eyebrows "what?" I look towards my dad "but?" I look at the door and shake my head "Ethan already said he doesn't want too?" Ethan walks in and take a deep breath "I'll do it." He looks at me and smiles "I would do anything too save you." I smile and hug him "are you sure?" He kisses me and smirks "yeah." Edmund smiles and nod agreeing "right." He runs towards the fridge and grabs a few bottles of water "Grayson take Alex and get clean clothes for everyone. George take these waters and Linda can you get make something meaty?" They all nod agreeing and Edmund hands my grandpa bottles of water and Grayson nod towards my dad "this way." They walk out the kitchen and upstairs.

My grandpa nod agreeing towards "Cameron you want to help?" Cameron smiles and nod agreeing and walks towards the fridge with my grandma. Ethan sits down next to me and take a deep breath "I have something for you to take." He kisses me and runs out the kitchen and upstairs. Nicolas sits across from me and smirks "what?" He shakes his head and smiles "nothing." I roll my eyes and take a deep breath leaning back. After a few minutes Ethan runs down holding a black jumper "what's this?" He hands me it and smiles "It's that jumper I was wearing the day I met you in the mall that you said you liked." He shrugs and take a deep breath "I though you could take it with you and wear it?" I take it and smell it smiling "thank you." Edmund runs in and smiles "ready?" I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "yeah." My grandma walks over and hugs me "see you in the morning sweetheart." She kisses my cheek and take a deep breath "love you." I smile and scoff "love you grandma." Ethan holds his hand out and I take it and smile "let's go."

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