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I look at my wrist and shake my head "the mark?" He nods agreeing and shows me a picture off some ones leg with the same scar "every werewolf used to mark a human and make the hunt a game and make it fun but the laws all changed and werewolves are not allowed to kill humans anymore." I shake my head and take a deep breath "but that black wolf has tried to kill me?" Edmund nod agreeing and take a deep breath "I know." He shows me a bit in the book "The black demon wolf can't be killed unless the red shield kills it with a red tipped arrow or if the red shield offers her blood to a werewolf then that werewolf will grow venom teeth and therefore can kill the black demon wolf." He take a deep breath and shakes his head "what?" He closes the book and smiles softly "nothing." I look at the book and grab it and open it "A werewolf who bonds with the red shield can also kill a black demon wolf." I look at Edmund and laugh nervously "bond? what does that mean?" He smiles softly and looks down "it means." The door swings open and my grandpa walks in and take a deep breath "it means a werewolf would bite the person they bond with and that person will be locked in a room during transaction." He walks in and sits down "in other words the person would become half werewolf." He looks at Edmund and smirks "if they survive."

I look at Edmund and shake my head "survive?" Edmund take a deep breath and nod agreeing "if the werewolf doesn't have a strong connection then the bond won't work and the person could die during transaction." I shake my head and take a deep breath "wow." I look at the book and take a deep breath "so what's this got to do with me?" Edmund smiles softly and shrugs "the red shield." I laugh sarcastically and shake my head "you can't be serious?" Edmund opens the box and pulls out an arrow brooch and nod agreeing towards my scar "may I?" I nod agreeing and hold my wrist out and he pinche's it and sticks it in the middle off the table "if the tip off the arrow goes blue when the blood rubs off then your fine but if it goes red then the red shield." I look at the tip off the arrow and take a deep breath "ok." He goes back into the box and pulls out a napkin and take a deep breath "ready?" I take a deep breath and nod agreeing "ready." He wipes the tip off the brooch and I watch it closely as he removes the napkin and watch the tip turn red.

My grandpa take a deep breath and shakes his head "I am sorry." I look at him and shake my head "about what?" Edmund smiles softly and opens the book "While a red shield is special and rare it also makes them a target. The black demon wolf was cursed after killing a village off people and other werewolves and only way to break the curse is for the black demon wolf too kill a red shield. Vampires will also target the red shield for Its blood as a blood off a red shield is like a drug for a vampire and It's the only thing that can cure a werewolf bite." I look at my grandpa and shake my head "so that's why that wolf has been after me ever since I came to town?" My dad nod agreeing "it smelted you as soon as you came to town and it caused us too crash the night you came to town." I shake my head and laugh nervously "in the camera you gave me earlier there was a black wolf in the background off one off the pictures." My grandpa raises his eyebrow and shakes his head "are you sure?" I nod agreeing and take a deep breath "yeah that's why I left because I didn't know what it meant and panicked." My grandpa nod agreeing towards Edmund "I will go get the camera and Edmund can fill you in with the rest." I shake my head and touch my grandpa's hand "don't you want to stay and find out more?" He looks at Edmund and smiles "we went over this a few years ago." I shake my head and laugh softly "what?" Edmund nod agreeing and my grandpa walks towards the door "won't be long." He closes the door behind him and I face Edmund.

"What does he mean he went over this years ago?" Edmund take a deep breath and sits back on his chair "your mum left with you years ago because the black demon wolf." I shake my head and scoff "not my mum left to become an actress?" He shakes his head and smiles "that was one off the reasons but the main reason was you." He sits forward and goes into the black box and pulls out a camera "these are pictures off you that your grandparents took one weekend you went with them to the log cabin." He shows me the camera and I see pictures off me when I was younger with bite marks around my wrists and neck "what are those?" He sticks the camera back and take a deep breath "vampire bite marks." I shake my head and stick my head on my hands. "You went away with your grandparents one weekend and complained about a man." I look up and shake my head "trying to eat me." Edmund nod agreeing "yeah." I shake my head and laugh nervously "I remember that but I thought it was just a dream." Edmund nod agreeing and smiles "no it was real."

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