1.1: Flower [pt. 2]

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AU: Lisa Manoban has every reason not to believe in love. However, her view of life and love changes when she meets her classmate Jeon Jungkook.

The idea of love is what most people on this planet long for. Whether it is from a parent, in a friendship, or romantic relationship, people want to feel loved. To put forth effort into caring for someone generates a lot of internal energy because not only do you treat the person with kindness or respect, but you also want that same love and companionship in return.

If the energy a person puts forth into a relationship is not reciprocated then the love between the two starts to fade. Love comes and goes but it up to people to continue that bond.

And for Lisa, she lost that connection. Not only with her father, but the relationship she had with friends in the past and eventually, the future individuals she will meet. Lisa felt like no one could love her and vice versa. To Lisa, love is a terrible feeling and it makes you weak.

A recently lit cigarette started to taste bitter in Lisa's mouth but she didn't care that much. It was the only time where she felt comfortable and at ease. The blonde ended up skipping her after school activities and she knew if she went home her mother would ask questions.

Instead Lisa smoked her cigarette on the roof, viewing what was in front of her. Some students were playing soccer on the field and she recognized one of them. Jeon Jungkook.

It has been a week since her awkward encounter with the kid. After he introduced himself to her, she walked past him, never looking back.

She knew it was rude but she did not care that much. Lisa did not know why, but that day he made her feel uncomfortable. He talked to her like a normal person and treated her with so much respect she almost cried. Almost.

Lisa can admit it felt nice to be acknowledged by someone at school but she also knew he was just going to be another person who would disappoint her.

The avid smoker continued to watch the students' play soccer while someone was staring at her. Lisa was so caught up in her thoughts that she did not realize a certain individual was looking at her, wondering why she was smoking on the roof again. Why she was alone and looked so sad.

The brown doe-eyed boy finally got the blonde's attention. He smiled and waved at her, hoping she would do the same back. And of course, she did not.

Please stop waving and smiling at me because I don't deserve it. A guilty Lisa thought to herself.

Jungkook knew he was wasting his time trying to get her attention but he did not mind. A powerful source of energy was pulling him towards her and he wanted to trust that feeling.

He pointed to himself then to the roof. Jungkook indicated he was going to come see her but Lisa just looked at him bored eyes. However, on the inside Lisa was freaking out. The teen looked down to decline his offer, but he was gone.

Shit. The girl cursed internally.

Lisa put out her cigarette and frantically tried to hide. However, she heard the door open and looked up to see a black haired figure staring at her. He begun smiling his bunny-like teeth, anticipating their new encounter.

Feeling defeated, Lisa sat on the cold concrete, crossed her arms and waited for his arrival.

Jungkook looked at her small body and chuckled. He thought she was very cute because she looked like a toddler who did not get her way. Her pink, pouty lips looked soft and for some reason Jungkook wanted to touch them.

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