6: Stamina [M]

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A/N: Dedicated to cc short story Queen.

Smut aka 16+ mature content plus fluff
- this is mad long omg sorry!
- literally the longest chapter i have written so far for all my works whew



We need to talk
about something

After Jungkook landed in Korea from his schedule in Japan, Lisa got this text from her boyfriend. She was nervous because for the past few days everything has seemed perfect. Maybe too perfect? In any of their past conversations he never indicated anything was wrong and kept telling her how excited he was to see her, so she has no idea what to expect.

Lisa talked to her members about his text and the differences in their responses had Lisa's heart beating too fast it was going to drop out of her ass instead of her chest.

Rosé sighed, wondering why Lisa would even be worried, because knowing Jungkook it was probably nothing, "You are thinking way too much about it."

However, Jennie and Jisoo constantly teased her like they always did because she was the baby and it was easy to make her worried about stupid things.

"Maybe you really did do something Lisa!" Jisoo exclaimed with her eyes bulging open with worry, while holding Lisa's shoulders in place to face her.

It was Jennie's turn to tease. She clicked her tongue and shook her head in disappointment, "Tsk, Lisa. What did you do?"

Lisa moved her head to gaze at them back and forth, trying to think of a good answer, but instead felt like she saw 100 heads in front of her, confused with no words coming out of her mouth.

Rosé kept her laughter in, knowing they were teasing Lisa, and played with her fingers to distract herself. They all knew Jungkook would never break up with Lisa. That boy was so whipped it was sickening. The gifts and couple items they have together highlights their obsession for one another. If he was mad at her, he would have clearly said it in the text, but he did not.

The worried girl slumped her shoulders and looked at her feet, creating the worst possible scenario in her head. Her body felt heavy like she was being buried in cement, but she dragged herself in her room and texted her manager to drive her to Jungkook's apartment.

"Maybe we teased her too much?" Rosé whispered, biting her fingers softly, starting to feel guilty about going along with Jisoo and Jennie's plans.

Although she rarely showed it, Lisa was super sensitive and hated disappointing people. To them, Lisa always showed her personality as a girl who shined like the sun — cracking silly jokes to make her friends and family happy — however, although she never vocalized it, there were times when she needed someone to make her smile or laugh.

"She will be fine. Knowing Jungkook, it's probably about her new choreo she performed in Thailand," Jennie yawned while walking to the couch to lay down. She placed a soft pillow underneath her head to get comfortable for a future nap.

"You know how possessive he can get," Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows while playing a game on her phone. "Don't forget when she performed swalla in Thailand the first time. We did not see Lisa for days!"

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