0: Authors' Note

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Authors Note:

Hello! This is Leo and I ship Lisa and Jungkook together. I am not delusional so I know they have their own private lives and could be dating whoever, but this ship really makes me happy. Lately, I have been feeling depressed, so writing is something I really enjoying doing. I hope this journey writing stories about liskook will continue to be fun!

Any-who, I wanted to write some short stories about Lisa and Jungkook before I fully dive into my historical book called, Moon & Stars. These short stories are just for my own amusement and practice, so I hope you enjoy reading them! I will try to broaden my stories so they do not have the same plots, settings or characters. If you have any suggestions to my writing help me out please.

Also liskook is just a ship, nothing serious. Everyone can ship who they want because if it makes them happy then that's cool. FYI, all of my stories are fictional, so nothing is real.

Thank you so much for reading my short stories and criticism is always welcomed.

© COPYRIGHT by aleowrites

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