4: Possession [pt. 1]

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AU: The King of Hell's body is too weak to withstand his power so he takes a journey to Earth to find a strong enough human to use as his vessel. Jungkook meets a human name Lisa who is the reincarnation of his old lover and his true vessel to possess.

Normally, Lisa would ignore situations that seemed abnormal, but every day she has been seeing more inhumane beings. Ever since she was a little girl, she has been able to see ghosts.

Not too long ago, Lisa noticed something across the cafeteria, staring at her. Her gut was telling her it was not a human because of its menacing aura. She is able to tell the difference between humans and other beings because of their spiritual orb color that surround them. Humans can be different colors, depending on their mood, but these other beings were always white. Humans cannot be white because there is no emotion tied with it.

Every day she comes into contact with ghosts no one else can see and for that she feels cursed. She hates these damn things who have been bothering her since she turned ten years old. For twelve years, ghosts have walked amongst humans like herself but lately, for the past few months, they have growing more in numbers and staring at her with hunger in their eyes.

She started to feel goosebumps running down her arms as its eyes became more intense with hunger. Lisa was so caught up with her problem that she started playing with her food as her friends were talking amongst her.

"Hey, Lisa are you listening?" A voice brought her thoughts back to reality. Lisa looked up to see her concerned friend, Rosé touching her hand softly.

The blonde looked around the table and realized she was with her friends eating lunch during her break before she went back to class. She slowly pulled her hand away and put both on top of her own lap, pinching herself. When she gets anxious about the ghosts she sees, Lisa tends to pinch her hands because it made her feel like she would wake up from her ongoing, horrible situations.

Lisa gave her friends a reassuring, but fake smile, "Sorry, I was thinking about my English test I am going to fail next period!"

Rosé was still worried but knew not to push Lisa too much. However, she continued her conversation, "Like I was saying, I heard there is a new kid on campus, but no one seems to know anything about him." She was known as the gossiper within the group because she was social with everyone who attends their University, so she always knew what was going on 24/7.

Another girl name Jisoo, scoffed in annoyance, playing a game on her phone, "Forget about boys," She gave a mischievous smile to Rosé, "Let's skip the rest of our classes and play games in our dorm." Jisoo was the oldest and played games a lot, which made her seem childlike. However, in reality, she was very mature and always took care of her friends like a mom.

Jennie is the last girl in the group and was known as a firecracker and fashionista. She wore expensive clothes like Chanel and whenever someone talked bad about her friends she had the worst attitude. Jennie slapped Jisoo on the arm, "Shut up, idiot. You cannot afford to skip another class." When Jennie slapped Jisoo's arm the girl's finger slipped, making her lose a match against one of her online rivals.

Jisoo felt like her heart stopped beating and she screamed, "What did you do!! Now, I have to start all over." She begun to whine in irritation while stomping her legs on the ground as she sat on her seat. Rosé and Jennie could not help but to chuckle at their older friends' cuteness. They knew she was obsessed with games and seeing her distraught about this was a little funny.

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