that bitch at the party

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Not yet edited. Forgive the mistakes. also, for the first times and only time EVER it's in Ellis POV.

ellis sat on a park bench in the unfamiliar park a town over from his own. beau had asked to meet at this place, probably because of some shit reason like his paranoia that someone would see them hanging out.

to be honest, ellis was getting real fucking tired of beau refusing to come out. he thought he understood; he thought he could wait as long as beau needed, but that was before he realized how horrible he felt that his boyfriend was embarrassed of him.

ellis promised himself that he'd give beau one last shot- if beau could let him meet one friend, he'd be satisfied... at least til college when beau promised he'd come out. if not, ellis swore he'd leave. his self esteem had taken a hit since sneaking around with beau.

ellis knew he could have anyone else and that they'd be proud to show him off- stupid ass homophobic town or not. ellis never told beau, but he constantly had men in his social media DMs. it was something that would irritate beau and while ellis loved to see his boyfriend jealous, it sucked that beau wouldn't do anything about it but be in a pissy mood.

ellis checked the watch on his wrist and sighed. beau was forty minutes late. he was starting to wonder if he'd show up. he promised he'd wait another twenty minutes before going to find beau his damn self.

he sat until it was dusk, well past twenty minutes. he tried to preoccupy this time- it has been over an hour now- by going on snapchat. he clicked on his friends recent story and tapped through it in disinterest. suddenly he gasped at what he saw. beau was in his friends story at some house party back in town, a pretty brunette hanging off his neck. ellis checked the time and sure enough it had o my happened a mere ten minutes ago.

ellis felt a bubble of irrational anger rise in him. he stormed to his truck before getting in. he checked his friends location and put it in his gps before peeling out of the parking lot.

it took fifteen minutes for ellis to reach the large frat house. he hopped out of his truck and walked up to the porch, heart and mind racing, ready to confront his boyfriend.

he walked in and pushed past sweaty, drunk bodies before his eyes landed on a less than sober beau standing with the same bitch from the snapchat story. he stormed towards him and less than gently ripped the girl off of his boyfriend. beau turned and looked at him with wide, hazy eyes.

"what the actual fuck, beau? you stood me up for some shit party? i waited for you for over an hour."

suddenly it seemed ellis had everyone's attention. from the corner of his eye he saw two familiar figures approaching.

"what the fuck is going on over here." devontae snarled. "what's this faggot talking about, beau?" ellis turned to look at beau expectantly, curious as to what his answer would be."

beau looked terrified and ellis felt sympathy start to unravel in his stomach. he pushed it away however. he couldn't have sympathy anymore. there'd been enough of that.

"hey, el. this isn't going to end well. you should get out of here." austin said coming to rest a hand on his shoulder. ellis turned his head to smile grimly at the taller. "no, I need this, aus. i can't keep doing this shit."

it was as if beau broke out if his reverie. "what the fuck? you have nicknames for each other. I knew something was fucking going on between you two. y'all probably fuck all the time. I should've fucking known."

"and why would you fucking care if these faggots were fucking? sounds like you're jealous. are you a little gay ass nigga bitch?" devontae said with a snarl.

beau faltered as everyone looked at him expectantly. "uh- of course the fuck not. what do I fucking look like? i just don't want to play ball with a faggot is all. y'all know I like pussy."

with that, beau pulled the brunette towards him and slammed his lips on hers.

ellis felt his heart shatter as he watched his boyfriend denounce and cheat on him at the same time. he didn't wait for beau to come up for air before he spun abruptly and raced out of the party. he ran to his truck as tears escaped his eyes and hurled himself in the vehicle. he tried to start the car, but the sobs racketing his body and the tears falling from his eyes made it difficult for him to put the key into the ignition.

suddenly a warm pair of hands stopped his shaking ones and guided the key into the correct position. ellis looked up hopefully before disappointment crashed around him when he realized that it wasn't his boyfriend in front of him.

"scoot over," austin said gruffly. "you're in no shape to drive. i'll take you home." ellis did as he said and scooted to the passenger side of the truck, tears still streaming down his face.

austin turned the key and the truck roared to life. he quickly backed out before speeding down the street. the car was quiet, only ellis's quiet sniffles could be heard before austin spoke up.

"you deserve better. he's going to ask for you back and make all these promises he can't keep. don't let him back in. he'll just keep hurting you."

ellis sat up a bit straighter and struggled to stop his tears. "i'm fucking done. i can't anymore. i'm tired-so fucking tired. i just- i can't think. everything hurts. i feel like i can't even breathe."

austin reached over and clasped ellis's sweaty hand. ellis knew he should've pulled away, he did still technically have a boyfriend, but he was dying for some type of affection.

ellis leaned his head against the window pane and closed his eyes for what he thought was a few minutes. however, the next time he opened them he was safely tucked into his bed, austin turning to leave.

ellis sat up in a panic. "wait, Austin. coul-could you stay the night. i don't want to do anything- i'm just not used to sleeping alone anymore and i really need someone."

austin sighed but began to take off his shirt and jeans. ellis scooted to the far edge of the bed in relief and laid down facing the wall. he sighed as a warm hand snaked around his middle section. despite his better judgement, he imagined it to be beau behind him. he fell asleep imagining he had a boyfriend who loved him as much as he said he did.
he knew it'd hurt like hell in the morning, but for tonight he didn't care.

Okay! It's been like six months since I updated. sorry, y'all. I've had a crazy second semester in college. Anywho. This is a long chapter to thank you for sticking around and to say sorry for going off the grid. Shit is hitting the fan. Can you smell it?
Love you!

Only Fools|| BoyxboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon