Welcome to hell!

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AG- *spins in a spinny chair* HELLO EVERYONE!!

Naruto- I thought that this was a ramen eating contest......

Sasuke- I was told that Itachi was here....... and I won a life time supply of tomatoes......

Kakashi- I was promised a new Icha Icha book.......

Sakura- I wasn't promised anything....... I just remember getting drugged.......

Rest of team 7- *intensely stares*

Sakura- What?

AG- Ronnie! I thought I told you no more drugging people!!

Ronnie- Haters gonna hate....

Kakashi- *sigh* Who are you and why have you brought us here?

AG-..... The only reason that I haven't been attacked yet is because I'm a kid..... right?

Kakashi- Pretty much

AG- Well... *stands up* My name is one that you can not know! But call me AG! And the reason that your here is that! Drum roll please!

Ronnie- *drum rolls*

Team 7- *on guard*

AG-................. I'm bored!

Team 7- *in sync* ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!

AG- Nope! You see in my spare time I enjoy summoning people into my little pocket dimension!

Naruto- Weird but ok!

Sasuke- Hn

AG- Ahhhh! The Uchiha language!! ................ How I despise it!

Kakashi- *reading his por- I mean book.... yeah......... book*

Sakura- *has just been quiet this entire time until now* Where's Sai?

AG- I only have enough power to bring a few of you at a time! I'm surprised that I was able to bring you guys honestly! After all! I brought 7 at once and I was knocked cold out for a week! (Untold story about what happened to her in "Dragon slayers react to ships")

Sakura- So what's your limit?

AG- Apparently 4!

Sakura- I see

Kakashi- We were you first attempt at 4.......... weren't we?

AG- Yep!

Sasuke- That was stupid

AG- Just like you!

Sasuke- *starts plan to murder her*

Cobra- *walks in holding coffee and doughnuts* Hey! You with the hair that looks like a duck's ass! Believe you me! She's a tuff one to kill!

AG- Thank you Cobra for giving me that information! Anyway he's right ya know! I've been told I'm to stubborn to die! Also I'll take those

Cobra- *takes a coffee and doughnut then hands off the rest* No problem *leaves*

Kakashi- I'm not even going to ask.......

Sakura- Same

Sasuke- *pissed that someone foiled his plan in the making*

Naruto- Who wa- *gets slapped by Sakura* ........ ow.......

Sakura- Sorry..... Instinct...... heh

AG- It's alright! After all! It's free comedy!

Sakura- *hands over a card*

AG- What's this all about?

Sakura- One of my friends is a psychologist........ please give her a visit........

AG- Ok?

Ronnie- *grabs the card* We ain't gonna go though this shit again

Sakura- I'm not even gonna ask........

AG- Anyway........ You guys are just gonna react to ships! And no! Not boats!

Wendy- *walks in*

AG- Wrong studio Wendy

Wendy- I can see that but I just came in here for food

AG- Oh........ I thought you were lost...... again.......

Wendy- In my defense! The rooms all look alike!

AG- Just take a doughnut!

Wendy- Alright alright! *takes an old fashioned* (In all seriousness! Those taste so good!)

Wendy- *walks out the door but stops mid way* Oh! You 4?

Team 7- *pays attention*

Wendy- Welcome to hell! *slams door shut*

Team 7 reacts to ships!Where stories live. Discover now