Garra x Lee

619 24 19

Caileigh2005 I'm sorry about it taking so long! I hope you can forgive me!

Also if any of you are interested in what I listen to while writing, sleeping, drawing, ect.

Here's a link! And it's up there too!


AG: I've missed this surprisingly

Sakura: Same

Garra: Uhhhhhh

Itachi: [pouty] We were supposed to get tea and dango

Sakura: [pats his back] It's ok

Daichi: Yeah. I ship them as brothers more so

AG: Oh yeah! [snaps her fingers]

People appear

AG: [dumbfounded] Whhhhyyyyy.... aaarrreeee... tthhheerree.....? [passes out]


Tobirama: [dumbfounded] Huh

Naruto: Hey guys! I'm baaccckkk!!

Sakura: [tackles him into a hug] I missed you!!

Tobirama: [looks at them] Huh

Madara: [grabs AG] Hey little girl! Wake up! Where are we?

Tobirama: [looks at Madara and AG] Huh

Itachi: [looks at Madara and shakes his head slowly] That ain't no kid

Sasori: That is what we call a bitch

Deidara: [kicks him] You're what we call rude

Sasori: Fair

Sakura: [finger guns with one hand] And sassy!

Sasori: [finger guns back with one hand] You know it!

Minato: Uhhh [nervously chuckles and scratches his face]

Tsunade: [glaring at the Akatsuki]

Sakura: Don't worry sensei! Their good people! One has illegally adopted me!

Tsunade: ..... Ex-fucking-cuse me

Sakura: But! Opinions! For me! Well...  You know

Daichi: No

Haru: No

Sasori: No

Deidara: No

Itachi: No

Kisame: No

Pein: No

Konan: [drunk out of her god damn mind] Sure

Zetsu: No No

Tobi: No

Kakuzu: No

Hidan: Fuck no

Kakashi: No

Sasuke: No

Naruto: No?

Garra: No..... but I look to him as a friend [smiles]

Minato: Wait what are we doing?

Sakura: Just say "yes" or "no"

Minato: No...?

Tobirama: No?

Hashirama: Sure...?

Madara: What-?


Sorry about it taking so long again!

My phone updated and everything I had saved on my keyboard was erased

It auto corrected fuck to frick

And ass to ask

And bitch to witch

And shit to .... I forgot what it auto corrected to lol

Yeah so that sucks

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