Gaara x Sakura

760 32 77

(I'm sorry if I spelled his name wrong. I suck at English lol)



Sakura: [chokes on her spit] Ex-fucking-cuse?

Garra: [looks like he needs help] Please no. No offense Sakura, your amazing but I might actually die by your hand if this was ever real

Sakura: Fair. I wouldn't date myself and no, you wouldn't die. I'm not that bad.

AG: [glaring at the ceiling and looks at the intercom, still glaring] Oi. Fuck you Lady

Com. Lady: You're not my type sugar! Sorry~!

AG: Don't make me get Hisoka

Com. Lady: [chair sqeaks] [footsteps can be heard]

AG: Soooooooo she's either getting some water, getting some Dr. Pepper, some food, or coming to beat my ass

Cobra: [yells from down the hall] TEN BUCKS SAYS SHE'S GONNA BEAT AG'S ASS!!!

Itachi: [yelling back] TEN BUCKS SAYS THE SAME!!!

Kakuzu: I don't know, Lady seems to mature for that....

Portal: [opens] [arm reaches out and grabs AG by her shirt]


Lady: BRING IT THE FUCK ON!! [yanks her in]

AG: EXCREMENTUM !! OEM ship the ship though !!

Portal: [closes but not before Lady could flip off Hidan cause he stole her burrito]

Intercom: [clicks off]

Hidan: [eating her burrito] Eh. Fair.

Kakuzu: Shit. [gets out 20 bucks]

Itachi: [gets his ten]

Cobra: [goes in, gets his ten, and leaves]

Illumi: [walks in] Lady gave Killua and I the job of translating within reason. "EXCREMENTUM !!" means "SHIT!!" and "OEM ship the ship though !!" ruffly means "Crack ship the ship though". Now go back to whatever you guys were doing before I guess. [goes to leave]

Sakura: Hey 'lumi! Quick question!

Illumi: [looks at her]

Sakura: What exactly did AG say you guys were brought for?

Illumi: Uh. Reactions to boats?

Sakura: Oh you poor souls

Illumi: Hm. [leaves]

Sakura: So while AG is presumably getting the shit beat outta her by Lady, who wants to take charge?

Everyone else: ...

Sakura: [sighs and picks up AG's clipboard] Guess I'll do it

Sakura: So! It's a no from me!

Minato: [raises his hand] Umm...

Sakura: Yes Lord 4th?

Minato: Uh Minato is just fine but um... What's a ship? I felt like it wasn't really explained to us....

Sakura: Oh well, a ship is kinda a relationship! A canon ship means that it is gonna happen! Like uh, you and your wife Minato sir! An uncanon ship is one that a fan or anyone else really can make and say, "Oh well I think these two should be together!". Following sir?

Minato: [taking notes so he can give them to Tsunade because most of the girls went drinking last night] Yep!

Hashirama, Tobirama, and Madara: [looking at the notes]

Tobirama: You didn't use proper grammar right there

Hashirama: Nobody likes a grammar Nazi Tobirama

Tobirama: The fuck is a Nazi?

Sakura: Good. Many people ship things for many different reasons! Some feel like they look good together, some because they feel like they have chemistry, others because why not! And that brings us to, Crack shipping! Because people just go, "Fuck it!", and ship em! And that's about it!

Minato: Thank you Sakura! I think get now! Now who's Gaara.....?

Sakura: [points at Gaara] That's him! He's the Kazekage by the way!

Minato: I think you too would look nice together!

Sakura: Sooo... an aesthetic ship?

Minato: Yep! Is that not ok?

Sakura: No no no! You're fine! You can ship whatever you want! It's what you think! Not what others think!

Minato: Oh ok!

Sakura: Soooo..... Gaara?

Gaara: No because that be like dating a sister


Sakura: Deidara?

Deidara: Yeah un?

Sakura: Bomb his ass

Deidara: [grabs some clay] With pleasure! Also no on the ship!


Deidara: [goes after his ass with his clay bird]

Sasori: No on the ship

Zetus: [sleeping in a pot]

Tobirama: The fuck?

Naruto: [hands him some tea] Just roll with it

Sasuke: [having a conversation with Madara] No on the ship

Kisame: No on the ship

Pein: No on the ship

Obito: No on the ship

Everyone else: No on the ship

Haru and Daichi: [just flew in]

Daichi: [over protective big bro mode activated. Level : 12] Where the fuck is my sister?!?!

Haru: Yeah were is the bitch?

Daichi: [smacks the back of Haru's head] Not the time!

Haru: OW! Fuck! Shit! Sorry!

Daichi: [over protective big bro mode level : 100,000] If yOU FUCKERS DON-!!!!

Intercom: [turns on]

Com Lady: She's with me. We just had....... a little "chat"

Sakura: Yeah! AG left me in charge! [pats Daichi's back]

Daichi: [not buying their bullshit for a Planck time] What the fu-?!

Sakura: UH BYE!!

Com Lady: LADY OUT!!!

Com AG: HELP-!!!


《TUE. AUGUST 11. 2020》

So I forgot to add this and well. Enjoy.


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