Look at Them

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May 22, 2017

You see those people? Yeah, them, sitting and laughing and talking as if they're all so close.

Why don't they include you in that large group? Why are only those specific people the only ones in that group? Is it because they're better than you?

Why is the majority there while you're sitting with some loners. You're better than these outcasts, you should be joining the big group. So why don't they include you?

Maybe they think you're ugly, maybe they think you can't do sports, maybe you're not smart, maybe you're too loud, maybe this, maybe that. Are all these maybes going to help you? No, they won't.

Let me tell you the difference between you and them. They think they're better than you and they like hurting your feelings to make themselves feel superior. They like keeping secrets to draw attention and they tell them.

You have emotions, feelings and loyalty. You get hurt when someone ignores you, you care if someone betrays you. They don't. Maybe some of them do, but they'll stay with the large group to have a higher status. They don't want to get caught with an outcast like you.

They're the Socs (socials) and you're the Greaser.

But I'll tell you something.

I know you've been told, "be yourself" once in your life at least. It's true, but not completely. To deal with people, you have to learn how to defend yourself. You have to know when to be selfish.

Don't be like Cinderella from the Disney movies, but don't be like her stepmother either. Find a balance between those two personalities.

Humans are not kind, most of them aren't. Just read history books for that fact to be proved.

Learn how to say no. Take back your things of someone grabs it from you on the bus (true story). Start raising your hand in class if you're a shy (or just rebellious) person. Be cold to someone who is cold to you.

The same thing goes if someone is nice to you, but always be careful. You never know who a true friend or fake friend is. A fake friend would take your credit and your life opportunities. A true friend would encourage you to make the right decision, be with you when you're sad and not judge you. You guys could be so bizarre with each other that you wouldn't mind laughing at each other face to face, not behind the back.

Now, remember that you won't always find people who will try to mix up with you, so make the first move. Humans are selfish, so know what you deserve and take it, but be nice to the people who are nice to you. And finally, sort out your real friends from your fake friends. Stick with the people that stick with you.

With that being said, good luck in life and I hope you find your place where you will be happy.

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