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Louisa's p.o.v

I was getting changed into my pjs, we're at a sleepover in the lair, April is here, along with Casey and the bros. Donnie told me earlier he doesn't like April, but I say otherwise, I walk out with my pj shorts and matching shirt. Donnie blushed and looked down, but everyone else still did their own thing. "Let's start the movie, I wanna watch me some Coco" everyone looks at me, and they agreed. This is gonna be a fun time of singing and crying for some people.

-close to the end-

A tear goes down my face "you okay?" Donnie whispers to me, I felt my tear get wiped away from my face. I look at him with a smile as I sing along with Miguel and Mamá Coco. Donnie pushes me playfully as I sing, Mikey was already full on crying at this point. Some people fell asleep half way through like Leo, April, and Casey to be specific, but I noticed Donnie slowly falling asleep right now. I wonder why..... anyways the singing stopped. Raph just walked to his room for sleep, I smile as Mikey finally stopped crying and we finished the movie. Everyone but Donnie woke up to get comfier.

I get up and get some water, I hear Donnie talking in his sleep, it sounds so adorable! Until he said her name. "April...... you go do that" I sigh "knew it" I grab him a pillow and put it under his head "night Don. sleep well" I throw a blanket at him as I get comfy on the couch myself. I called dibs, I am taking my dibs no matter what. He wouldn't stop talking about her, not to mention his teeth whistling, it's adorable, but this isn't a good time. That's it! I put his mask over his mouth, it stopped him, now it just sounds like he's mumbling. I lay down and finally, with peace, fall asleep, getting as comfy as I can, which is kinda hard with him right there.

-time skip to the morning-

I wake up with my head on his lap, he's stirring, which means he's almost awake "morning Louisa..." he says with a yawn. I sit up and wipe my eyes as he looks at me with his eyes widened "were you just-" "sleeping with my head on your lap? Yes. Just let it go" I stand up and go to get whatever breakfast Mikey has for today, of course it's the one thing I don't like too.

Donnie's p.o.v

'Did I do something wrong?..... I gotta fix this' April wakes up and says "morning Donnie, how'd you sleep?" I smile "good actually. Someone got me a pillow and blanket last night, so I was comfortable" Mikey walks in saying "Louisa did." I blush at the thought of her doing that, but why did she act like that a minute ago? I shake that off. "April I had the funniest dream last night" I say to her, she raised an eyebrow "really? Tell me about it." "Well I dreamt that you were asking for my permission to date Jones for some reason, so I told you to do that.

You thought I would feel hurt, I wouldn't by the way, because I like-" "so how's everyone's morning?" Louisa asks with cereal in hand. She eats some of it as she waits for us to answer "dudette you know I cooked breakfast right?" Mikey asked. She nods, I smell the air, it's waffles "she doesn't like waffles" I say outloud, I meant to just think it though. "I-I mean, what?" She rolls her eyes "anyone know if Raph's up?" We all shake our heads. She death glares me in the eyes and goes into the dojo, I know they're staring at me "I have no idea."

April hits me upside the head "then go talk about it, you should've thought of this by now!" I roll my eyes, Casey woke up too. "Mornin" he says with his morning head "yeah Don, you're the smart one-" "braniac messed up? That's new." I sigh as I go to Louisa, mostly because I wanna escape their teasing of me messing up.

Leo's p.o.v

I yawn as I go into the kitchen, waffles.... eh, why not? I eat two waffles with syrup quickly, that's when I see Louisa in the dojo. She's just sitting there with a bowl of cereal, taking a bite every now and again, it's so quiet. "Louisa are you okay?" I ask walking in there, she looks up at me and says "it's Donnie..." "what about-" "I know he lied." I sit down with her and ask "what did he lie about?" "April... he likes her still, he had a dream. Couldn't stop saying her name" I nod my head "well maybe it wasn't that type of dream. Maybe it was the kind where you say you like someone else?" I suggest, she looks up at me upset.

"He only said her name! 'April, you go do that' or 'April that's a great idea!' What about me?! I'm always there for him. This... hurts, ya know?" I nod my head as she puts her empty bowl down "thanks for listening Leo. It means alot" I nod my head as she puts her head on my shoulder, I blush at that 'I thought I liked Karai. Am I liking Weeza?'

No one's p.o.v

Donnie seen Leo blushing with Louisa's head on his shoulder, he acts like it didn't mean anything as he walks in saying "Louisa did I do something wrong?" Louisa shakes her head. "It was my mistake, I probably misunderstood what I heard, Leo helped me realize it." Louisa explained as she reaches out her hand for help up, Donnie helps her up with a side smile. Leo stands up too saying "how about we take our celebration to the next level? Pizza part-"

"PIZZA PARTYYYY!!!!!!!!" Mikey yells and brings everyone to the couch "who has money? Cough it up, put it on the table!" Everyone had money. Everyone except for Louisa "shame, no PIZZA FOR YOU!" Mikey yells and takes the money and starts calling. Louisa looks down in shame "sorry that a fourteen year old girl can't get a job, I live with a blind man." Raph raised an eyebrow "who?" Louisa looks at the tempered one with the same face. "You all should know him, he makes the best pizza gyoza...."


Just wait, it's getting close, Shadow is coming close.. now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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