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Donnie's p.o.v

Casey, April, The Mighty Mutanimals, Shinigami, and Karai are waiting to see why I have them all here, no one said a word to anyone. "I know very few of you are aware of the recent events...." I start off, that left almost all of them confused. Karai crossed her arms saying "what's that supposed to mean?" I look down sadly at the floor. Casey informed them "well Weeza got captured from the foot, that's all me and red know." I sigh and say "there's more...." Slash puts his hand on my shoulder "tell us Donatello, we want to help."

"From evidence I gathered, the foot brought her to Baxter Stockman, he put a modified brain worm in her, and now she's Wild Card. The brain worm is making her think Wild Card is an actual person, and now we're stuck with her." Leather head asks "where are your brothers?" I sigh saying "I was gonna have to tell you at some point. Wild Card said she killed them, and she burned down our old lair right in front of me, it was brutal." They all started arguing, and saying they didn't get to tell someone something very important.

I cut them all off "but Louisa is still in there!" April then asks "but how do you know Donnie?" I give them all a smile. "She hinted about something only me and her know-" "her and I, grammar Donatello" Rockwell corrected me. I deadpanned "what do we do?" Mondo asks grabbing his skateboard and acting like it's a weapon. Pigeon Pete laughed a little, Muckman then says "we take her down, girl still in her or not." My eyes widen as they all agreed "no! I talked with Stockman about it, told him what happened. He told me what to do."

They all look at me surprised "she killed your family, and you wanna take it easy on her?" Mona Lisa asked while grabbing my plastron. I push her off of me "that's not her, she's not in control, I know she's not, all we have to do is get Wild Card out. So we take her down by the source" Casey caught on saying "we take that worm out!" "Yeah!" Slash agreed. I smile knowing they all agreed "I guess we're actually doing this, what do we do?" April asked. I explained to them what Stockman told me, not leaving anything out, we start our search.

We leave in groups of two, Mona with April, Muckman with Leather head, Rockwell with Casey, Slash and Pigeon Pete, leaving the last two Mondo and I. Half of the groups checked around north and south abandoned places, while the other half checked east and west. The partner I'm with and I checked this one place I think she'll be at, an abandoned warehouse by Murikami's. Forty bots or not, she couldn't have carried them that far, they had to have waken up quickly. I was right! Wild Card is sleeping with her head.... on Leo's lap!? They're alive! Me and Mondo high five.

I whisper out "text the others where we are, I'm gonna get some of them free" Mondo nods and grabs out his phone. I check my belt and see I have ninja stars, only two though, from here I can get Raph and Mikey. I grab one ninja star and throw it at Raph's ropes, that woke him up, he looked around. He sees us and smiles, he nods his head in a way, I look and see their weapons, I nod and slowly walk in. Mondo silently tells me to wait, but I don't, Raph and I head towards the weapons, I smile as I grab Leo's and Mikey's.

Raph grabs his sais and smiles, he does a few moves with them in hand, I grab my last ninja star and throw it at Mikey's ropes. He woke up with a scream, I jump and so does Wild Card and Leo, I sigh and say "so close." I notice the others outside, they ready their weapons, I do the same and throw Mikey his nunchucks.

Wild Card's p.o.v

I smirk as I stand up "I was wondering if I was gonna be able to do training *cracks neck* ready when you are." The first to attack is red head "you stupid little-" I dodge her punches and tanto, I laugh as nightmare looking turtle joins in. I throw red at him "nice try!" I prepare for temper next "nice to see you up and about little temper. How about I give you a hand!" I punch him square in the face, that made girly lizard upset. She attacks, I yawn as I block her attacks, Donnie came back to attack, I smirk as I peck his lips.

I throw him at a wall while he got distracted, next I seen pigeon dude trying to free Leo "not on my watch." I back flip all the way to them and kick pigeon dude away "anyone else?" I ask and dodge some stuff getting thrown. I see the monkey is floating, maybe it has something to do with that pretty helmet he's wearing. I smirk as I distract him by throwwing a piece of metal, he caught it with his powers, so I kick the helmet off his head. He fell on his butt, I laugh and break the helmet "nice powers, good luck without them monkey."

It doesn't take me long to take them all down, some I had to knock out because they were too persistent, and there was only one last one.... Donnie.


I started it last night, so I it finished today, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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