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Wild Card's p.o.v

I do as the voice says for once, she's right, there's a little restaurant  24/7 right there, I walk in and close the blinds and turn the sign to closed. The man says "Louisa-san! You must be hungry my little Mei, pizza gyoza?" I feel a little confused. "'Play the nice card, and call him Uncle'" the voice tells me, I fake a smile saying "yes please Uncle." He starts his cooking, he looks like a professional, it's amazing! I feel so speechless. "'Just wait til you actually eat the food!'" The voice tells me with a little laugh, she probably is used to me being cool.

He sets down a whole tray of this stuff he called pizza gyoza, I put one in my mouth.... it's so gooood! I eat almost the entire thing. I handed him one "hungry?" I ask being nice like the voice told me, he smiles and takes it with gratitude. "Thank you Mei, so where have ya been?" He asks as he sits down in a chair with his hands on his lap. I smile saying "well out, ya know, trying not to get caught for getting fresh air, being a mutant sucks." He nods "I bet, so how've you been?" He asks as he gives me his full attention, this is so new.

'Why is he being so nice??? I don't even know him!' "'But I do! And he thinks you're me!'" I nod in understanding at the voice. "Mei? Are you there??" He asks with a chuckle, I can hear footsteps coming from a different door. I look at him and ask "you expecting someone Uncle?" He steps back and says "she's here. Hurry!" The turtles come out with weapons in hand "ughhh you ratted me out!" I yell at the man. 'I am not gonna be all so nice, first Shadow takes me, and now this man tricks, me! No more nice girl.'

"'No don't! Also Shadow's name is Donnie! He is one of the best people I know!!'" The voice says as I grab my kunais out. "Will you just shut up! I know you can, you usually leave me alone, why not now?!" I ask upset. They all give me weird looks "don't ask! Let's just have your asses handed to you" I say. I look at the blind man "and you, you just know that you're precious little Mei isn't here, and she never will be. I am here to stay!" The fight begun after that, I easily took them down, they aren't that strong.

I grab their little innocent "Mikey!" Leader yells, I knock out temper and pick him up "you're next leader!" I knock Shadow out so he won't get smart. Then I knock out leader and carry him too, I pick leader up and run out the door to get away. I carry them to this abandoned warehouse close by, I tie them all up with this rope I found in here. "There we go, I took all their weapons, and they're tied up too tight to move their hands. I get to have my payback on Shadow once and for all! I'll do it in one of the most fun ways ever."

"'That is, what is exactly?'" I laugh at rambles question "with music, also I'll tell Shadow I killed the idiots, he'll believe it." I didn't hear anything "so now you're quiet" I walk out to see the town citizens doing their thing. Seeing this I smirk and devise a plan 'so what I do is burn down everything in who you call Donnie's home. Then look him dead in the eyes as I watch him crumble in front of me, and ask him to join me. It's perfect!' "'You think he's cute, don't you? That's why you want him to join, now it makes sense.'"

I roll my eyes 'okay maybe! Just stay out of it, okay?!' She stays quiet "finally" I mumble "let us go!" Leader says, now they're awake. "I can't do that, just know I'll still feed you, I still need you all for my plan, and also I'll get you water. As long as you all stay quiet" two out of the three nod, I look at temper "or I can just kill ya all anyways. Ya know, ignore my plans" temper sighs and nods his head once, I smirk "good, I'll be back. Don't go anywhere!" I run back to their lair. I can hear crying from here, I walk over to the sound.

That's when I see him, Donnie sitting there with tears streaming down his face "'Donnie! Tell him his bros are okay. That's why he's crying!'" I chuckle 'naw, this will be more fun' "hey Don, nice to see ya, nice to see ya. I killed your bros, and now I came to burn this place, so do you wanna leave or get burned to death?" I tell him. He looks at me really mad, I smile at his reaction "I am gonna kill you!" I dodge his punches. I grab oil that was just lying around and poured it everywhere on the ground with a smile.

He was chasing me as I ran, and with that I find a book of matches and run to the entrance of the lair with the lit match. Donnie starts to punch again, I dodge, and when he finally gets to the opposite side of the lair.... I drop the match. It spread it's fire all throughout the lair, Donnie looks up at the fire, his face falls to sadness again. I finally turn back into my turtle self "dang I even did this as human me too, you're not that smart when mad. So stop being mad, and join me, I can make ya stronger, and we can be evenly matched."

He looks at me surprised "no! I won't, because you're just an attention hog, you are no one!" That struck at a heart string. The only reason why I met Baxter was because my parents thought I was nothing too, and I thought he would join me. But he's just like everyone else "fine, just so you know you're on thin ice, no one to turn to. Nothing of yours left, here let me help you!" I use this power Baxter gave me growing up, water bending. I turn the fire out "hope ya like burned possessions, ya Jack ass!" I walk away to let him look at his old home.


There ya go, just wanted you to know what happened, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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