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No one's p.o.v

They carried Louisa off into the torture chamber, Shadow just got back from the sewers and looks at Tigerclaw "I'm back. I didn't find anyone, but I'm sure the bots did...." Tigerclaw nods and starts talking with one of them. Louisa is chained up against the wall, kinda cliché if you think about it though, Shadow started training again. Meanwhile with the turtles, they're worried for Louisa, knowing that the foot bots are brutal. Raph was the most worried, even though he's a hot headed dude on the outside, he cares about the people close to him.

April got informed about the situation, because she left the new lair about twenty minutes before all of that happened. Thing is, April doesn't care all that much for Louisa, but she still worries about what happened a little. Mikey started watching tv to take his mind off of the events of what's been happening. Leo started to actually eat because his stomach started hurting him, and Raph was training. Raph kept on thinking he could've done something to keep Louisa safe, but thought he was too weak.

So as Raph is still training, Louisa was glaring at Tigerclaw "we're gonna have some fun, you little girl can help with a project." They took some of her blood, the color a darker red than regular human blood, and they went to do some tests. Louisa moved her shoulder a bit from that needle that just left her arm "god I hate needles" the mutant mumbles to herself. Tigerclaw smirked at this "foot bots, get some needles, and put them everywhere around the girl. So if she moves..... she'll get blood sucked out of her" Louisa looked at Tigerclaw scared.

"But don't foot bots! She is really terrified, and it would be rude!" Louisa tried to sound like Tigerclaw, but the bots knew it was Louisa. Needles were all around her, even her head, Louisa was scared stiff, she knew if she moved..... she could die. Tigerclaw laughed as he walked out of the chamber, Shadow noticed and asked "new victim?" "Yes. I'm sure she'll crack soon, very soon" Shadow laughed along with Tigerclaw, not knowing the victim is someone he loves......

-the next day around eleven fifty at night-

Shadow waited around the old lair, and walked into his old lab, this was the only place he felt comfortable to talk with Louisa. Shadow thought Louisa would know that, because that was one of the only places they actually talked in. No one else knew though, that was the best part, so Shadow waited there, waited for Louisa. While Louisa was still surrounded by needles, the bad thing was Louisa knew she moves in her sleep. So there was no sleep for her at the moment, Shadow waited for only ten minutes, he thought he heard Louisa.

Who it was though, was just a measly rat, Shadow rolled his eyes and texted Louisa's t-phone "stupid little girl..... playing with my emotions." He just typed "'nice prank, I'm guessing Mikey put you up to this'" and left the lair to steal some parts to build weapons. 'She has reached a new low, I can see this from Mikey or Raph... but Louisa?' Shadow thought to himslef. Louisa sighed as she felt her foot falling asleep "you guys are cruel!" She yelled out loud. Shadow came back to his new lab in less than half an hour and starts building cruel machines.

Shadow felt used, that his own brothers made Louisa do this to him, and not to mention feeling really hurt that they used Louisa against him. He is now a changed turtle, he didn't want to go easy, no more 'mister nice turtle' for them..... they get hurt.

Louisa's p.o.v

I can't move, whether I want to or not, needles hurt! "Just let me go!" I yell out, Baxter Stockman walks in saying "finally, I thought you'd never crack." I sigh in relief as he moves the needles, he smirks right at me so I say "just talk, you idiotic nerd." He chuckles and says "join-" I cut him off saying "like I'd join the bad side! How dumb do you think I am?" He deadpanned. "Then tell me, where are the turtles hiding?" I roll my eyes "maybe if you get your head out of your-" "stop. Just stop!" He interrupted me, I laugh with a smirk "time to do this my way" he says and goes to get something.

I wait there and stretch a little "I was scared I was gonna fall asleep" I say to myself, I look back up to see Baxter walk in with a tank full of dirt. I look at him confused "dirt? You think I'll tell you anything because of dirt?! Oh no, I'm gonna get dirty." I laugh at the look on his face "you won't be laughing once you see what I'm gonna do to you. You ungrateful little girl!" He grabs tongs and sticks them in the dirt-filled tank, taking out a black worm. I furrow my eyebrows "what's that?" I ask curious, he smirks "a brain worm, with this you'll do anything I tell you."

I widen my eyes "no, get that thing away from me!" I yell out, his smirk doesn't leave his face "are you ready?" He asks. I squirm in my restraints, trying to get out, but he slowly starts walking towards me with that worm. The worm is slashing about in the tongs, I try my best to stay away from Stockman, but it's no use. He sets the worm on my face, it climbs over to my ear flap, and climbs inside my head, I scream out in pain. The worm goes all the way into me, it hurt too, the pain finally subsided, and now I am not in control.....


That happened, sorry Don... I would've come too! Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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