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Louisa's p.o.v

We walk down into the lair, Leo heals himself up with the Japanese healing jutsu he learned from Master Splinter. Then he starts healing me up, Raph looks at me and asks "why did Shadow just leave? It looked like he was about to finish ya off." I look down and say "I just brought up a memory...."


I just tripped and hit my head on the wall, so from that pain I yell "ow!" Donnie came running in an instant, and he helped me to the lab. He checked and was asking about if anything hurt, and to follow his fingers every move. I did, and he just kissed the top of my head saying "there you go, wanna help me with the Shell Razer?" I nod. We both went to their get away vehicle and I handed him the tools he asked for, since I'm not that smart.

~lair, present time~

I blink as Leo says "we're gonna need to stitch you up, I can make it stop bleeding for a second, but I guess I can't seal up the cut." I nod, so April goes and grabs the stuff for stitching, then I say "everytime I accidentally hurt myself, he checked on me. When I was all good, he kissed whatever I hurt, so I said a song lyric from a song me and him both know. Stitches by Shawn Mendes, 'now without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches' is what I said." The room got quiet, until April comes in saying "I got the stuff!" She sits next to me and starts putting that one stuff on my arm.

I wince at the stuff, she scoffs and says "big baby" and then starts stitching my arm, I tried my best not to move so I listened to what everyone was saying.

"Maybe if Louisa brings up more good memories, Shadow will come back with us!"

"Leo first we gotta find a new hideout! Shadow has lived here his entire life! Who's ta say he won't sell us out?!"

"He's our bro, bro! He wouldn't do that!!"

"Maybe ya should, you guys should grab your stuff and leave now, it makes sense!"

So the bros went to grab their belongings, I stand up as April does too, that's when I realized what I should do. "Okay you're stitched up, just be careful, okay?" She says and walks to probably find Casey. I walk in the lab and look around for his lab coat, it's still on his spinny chair, I grab it and hide it inside my shell. I can feel it against my stomach, I smile and leave a note for Shadow if he ever comes in here. "Louisa let's go!" Raph yells out to me outside "coming!" I yell back and write Shadow on the folded up paper.

I run out to see them all ready, Raph with his comics & some pictures, Leo with Master Splinters walking cane, and Mikey with Ice Cream Kitty. I smile and put my arms i side my shell "woah that feels weird" I say out loud, the turtle bros laugh. I feel inside Do-...... Shadows coat pockets for anything, what there is- oh my gosh! I take out the fabric. His old mask.... how's it in his lab coat?! Mikey asks "where was this?" I take out the coat. "I wanted his lab coat so I grabbed it, I forgot to check his pockets, when I did this was in it."

Raph side smiled as he walked toward me "here, turn around squirt" I do what he said, and he takes the mask from me, also making sure my hair was in a good style. "There!" I open my eyes and know it's in the right spot, I look at everyone "maybe I shouldn't. I don't-" Leo interrupts me saying "keep it, at least until Donnie comes back" I just hesitantly nod. We walked around, looking for a good place to hide out in the sewers, that's when we found one. It wasn't exactly like the other one, but we walked around forward for an hour straight.

I just twirl the mask tips around while observing the place with everyone else, there's more rooms here, about seven or eight. I go out to where they were "okay here is the living room, wee just need the tv-" "I already got it." We look at Casey curiously "I planned this out, I got red to carry the rest too" April takes out the VHS player tapes. I roll my eyes at Casey, no one really noticed, I just sit down against the wall and have alot of flashbacks. What they all have in common..... is Donnie, before he turned against us.. against me.


Us laughing at how childish I am.......

~different flashback~

Because he said "I knew you were coming..... the tv broke a minute ago, it was obvious" to Mikey while I was eating.... I choked on some pizza. He basically saved my life! He patted my back until the pizza shot out, and onto Mikey. I laughed even harder at the face he made at the pizza...... until he flicked it off of him, it went into Donnie's mouth somehow. He started choking, I basically beat up the back of his shell to get it out..... none of us ate pizza for the rest of that day.


He hurt me, both feeling wise and literally....... he only looked at me with a cold death glare..... he was about to kill me.


"Will you get up?!" April yells at me and something got thrown at me, I pick it up to see it's a slice of pizza. I look up at everyone, they're all looking at me "why are you crying dudette?" Mikey asked. A tear hit the back of my hand, I wipe my face and feel a semi-wet face, tear stains going down. Leo helps me up and says "don't go being soft on us now, I convinced Raph to help me get beds. I already got two, wanna help us with the other two?" I just nod, I don't trust my voice right now. Leo smiles softly at me "okay.... let's go."


This is the end of this one for my peeps! I love ya all, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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