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No one's p.o.v

Baxters smirk grows as he looked at the once happy-eyed girl turtle, he set Louisa down from the restraints, she fell to her hands and knees. When Louisa stood though.... the once happy eyes turned a darker shade of brown, and had no emotion whatsoever. "You are to never talk with Shadow, or whatever his name is! You listen to my orders from now on. Got that?" Louisa nodded her head once "I understand Baxter" Louisa says out loud. Baxter then says "now go get changed, and hand me that mask you have on, it doesn't suit you."

Louisa untied the mask, hands it to Stockman, and goes to take a new mask, it's gonna be one hell of an emotional roller coaster for the good guys. Louisa comes back with this different type of mask on.....

Baxter nods his head in approval, and says "now do you remember where the turtles are?" Louisa nods her head once

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Baxter nods his head in approval, and says "now do you remember where the turtles are?" Louisa nods her head once. "Good, you're new name is..... Wairudokādo, or Wild Card, whichever you prefer, torture the turtles. Hide from Shadow, Tigerclaw, and people, except me, come back tonight or you get punished." Wild Card nods her head, grabs her kunais, and runs out with only one thing on her mind..... hurting the guys.

Wild Card's p.o.v

I run all the way to where the entrance to their new lair is, and go into the sewers at last, the stupid thing is I can hear an annoying voice in the back of my head. Sounds like me, but is telling me to stop, I shake the voice off, and continue my orders my master told me. I finally make it to where they are "hey Louisa, nice yo see ya" the innocent one says, about to walk away. But he runs back to me saying "LOUISA! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA BE TORTURED!" The other two ran in. The leader joins the innocent one with the hugging, and the tempered one just messed up my hair.

I push them all off of me "keep your distance, you idiotic baboons!" I yell at them, the innocent one looked hurt, the leader looked confused. Tempered one then says "somethin's off...." grabbing out his weapons, which are sais. I grab out my kunais saying "to you guys maybe, I feel perfectly fine, and ready to do what I came to do." Leader slowly gets to his weapons asking "which was?" I smirk and say "torture!" I slash at innocent. He winced and grabs his wounded arm, temper jumps at me, so I dodge and grab his arm.

With that in hand, I threw him at leader, they tumble to the ground in pain, and innocent grabs out his weapon and comes at me. I dodge his nunchucks very easily, and wrap him in it, and kick him to the ground, the other two stand up. "Louisa what is wrong with ya?!?" Temper asks and tries to come at me again for a second time. I laugh at his attempts "nothing really, I guess I got showed that I'm evil, ask Baxter" I explained. Leader asks "you mean Stockman?!" As he attacks along with temper, I just nod my head and slash up their legs.

They wince and fall to their knees, I kick leader down and stand on his plastron, temper tries to tackle me, but I kick him back on his shell. He was down for the count, so I look leader dead in the eyes saying "hope you don't miss me." I leave a cut on his throat as he blushes "is that from blood loss, or you think I'm hot?" His blush darkens. I chuckle and say "never gonna happen leader" I wanna mess with him, so I kissed him for a split second. He went stiff, so I smirk and stand up "see ya in the funny papers!" And leave by walking.

I can hear temper yelling at leader as I walk away, but I quicken my pace as I continue to the closest manhole just in case they get any bright ideas. I had my fun, now I return to Baxter and report to him what happened, explaining every detail.

Shadow's p.o.v

-two hours after Wild Cards fight-

I decide to test my new inventions, so I walk out with them in hand saying "I'll be back claw!" He yells back "okay, don't be gone too long!" I hurry to a manhole. I jump down and put one of them on the ground and say "search!" It flies up and beeps twice. That's when it flew away, I slowly follow it as it flies, and it brings me to a new part of the sewers. It looks like it's their new lair, I laugh and turn off the machine and leave it at the entrance. I walk in with a smirk and ask "did ya miss me?" Raph looks at me and says "didn't ya guys already have your fun?" I cock an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a hint of excitement in my voice "let's just get this over with, Leo get your ass out here!" He yells and grabs his sais. Leo walks out from a different room and says "again??" And grabs out his katanas, getting ready. I chuckle and ask "where's Mikey? I made something especially for him" Raph rolls his eyes. "Still hurting from the last fight, his nunchucks bruised him up, he's resting ya idiot." I don't remember his nunchucks hurting him, I shake off what he said and just let my invention go and search.

I put my claws on and start the fight off by kicking Leo in the head, doing my battle cry too, he flew and hit the wall. Raph gets in my way from Leo and kicks my plastron, I glare at him and hit him off to the side. "I'll hurt Leo if I want to, don't get in my way!" I hit Leo out cold "why you little-" Raph gets cut off by Mikey's scream. I laugh as I say "watch what I do, because you just let me hurt little Mikey" Raph tries to go check on him. Like I'm gonna let him though, I punch him square in the face, making him land on top of Leo.

"You guys are brutal! Who's next, Mikey? Is he gonna join ya guys now?!" I laugh at his rambling "no, it's just me you idiot" with that being said I make him go out cold. I go and check on Mikey, he is getting cut up by my machine every time he makes a sound. "Hurts, doesn't it? To be hurt by the one you love!" I say and he looks at me confused. "What do you- *machine hurts him* a-aah!... mean? *gets hurt again* AAH!" I glare at him. "I mean you forcing Louisa to leave me a note about wanting to tell me something, just so then you can get a laugh. Laugh at me believing it."

He looks at me confused "I don't know what you're *hurt again* AHHH!!! Talking about!" He screams and I scoff at his words. "You know exactly what I mean Michelangelo! She left a note saying she wanted to talk. But when I tell her when to show up, I get stood up! What else could've happened?!" I ask upset. His eyes widen "she got took by-" my machine knocked him out with a bat it found on the floor. "Wait what?? She got took?! By who?!" I ask and kick the machine "you stupid machine. I needed him to keep rambling!"


I just wanted to upload twice, for no reason, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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