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Louisa's p.o.v

The reactions I got were funny, they kept asking if I know how to make pizza gyoza too "not yet, he doesn't want me around the fryer. Mostly because I still act like a child" they knew what I meant, Raph then asks "is he your dad?" I shake my head no. "He adopted me from the streets, I call him uncle, it felt weird for both of us if I called him dad." April asks me "what was wrong earlier?" I shake my head again "I was just getting moody." She smirks "so nothing new?" Raph chuckles a little "that was uncalled for April" Donnie backs me up. That hurt a little, but Donnie being nice made me feel better "isn't it true though?" Raph asked.

I glare at him "well at least I can control my temper, unlike a certain turtle I know" I say with direct eye contact the entire time. He glares at me and was about to say something, until Mikey came back with about ten pizzas. "Dig in!" He yells and pushes me away, I roll my eyes and just walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter. "You good?" I look up and see Casey, who is holding two pieces of pizza as he walks towards me. "Yeah, pizza is overrated anyway" he hides the other one behind his back as he sits next to me. "Then I guess you don't want this piece" he teases, my stomach grumbled "you keep it Jones."

He shrugs and eats away at the pizza he has "why'd you come in here anyway? Usually Mikey or Donnie come to check on me. Not that I hate you are anything, I'm just curious" I finally ask him, he looks at me and says "just wanted to hang out with ya. You seem pretty chill" I roll my eyes "unless you get on my bad side, I'm anything but chill." We laugh for a second "what makes you think I'm chill?" I decided to ask with a smirk, he chuckles. "You have a sense of humor for one, and you handled that out there better than I thought you would." I roll my eyes again "well I ain't scared of April, she just really gets on my nerves" I explain to him.

He looks at me "how?" I look at him "well... I don't really wanna go into detail" he raise an eyebrow at me "you gotta tell me now." I sigh, knowing he won't let this go, so I start telling him "she acts so mean, even though I did nothing. Not to mention she full on glares at me whenever I get too close to Donnie, even though it's obvious who she likes." Casey looks at me curiously "who?" I chuckle "you find out for yourself, anyways it's stupid. I also can't really overlook how she leads Donnie on, she does it over and over, and..." "and?" "I'm getting tired of it."

"Do ya like the dork or somethin?" I keep my eyes at the floor "is there a microphone on you?" "No. Unless you count my mouth as its speaker!" He starts making weird noises, I laugh and playfully push him away. He laughs too "maybe..... yeah I do, I can't help it! He also somehow still likes April! Even though she likes someone else. It's so obvious she doesn't like him, she leads him on, and when I try to stop her, she acts like I'm the bad girl. I just wanna help Donnie before he falls for her again, before I...... before my heart gets broken."

Some tears fall down my face "I didn't mean to make ya-" "Jones! Are you okay?" Donnie ask concerned. I hear only one set of footsteps "why don't you ask April?" I mumble, he didn't hear me though. "What?" I keep my gaze on the floor "I said why don't you ask April? You care about her so much. I am just nothing!" Donnie doesn't move, I look up at him "April this, April can do that, I'm done. I'm going home, where I'm appreciated more than a redheaded idiot!" April glares at me as I walk out. I don't care, I just want to get with uncle Murikami, I climb up the ladder to see the city lights.

It's always so bright out here "surprise" I hear from behind me, next thing I know something is thrown at me. I flinch, but it was burning a little "mutagen?!" I ask looking at the substance, not to mention Baxter Stockman in front of me. I scream as I know I'm getting turned, but into what I have no idea.....

No one's p.o.v

-meanwhile with the turtles-

Donnie felt a little hurt, but he just wanted to know if Louisa was safe, whether she wants to see him or not. Casey watched as Donnie ran from the lair, after that Casey told everyone what happened, and Donnie's motives.

-with Donnie-

Donnie ran all the way to up top, Stockman already planned for someone to look, so Louisa is tied up against a water tower, with Tigerclaw in the shadows. Louisa is trying her hardest to escape the ropes before anyone came to her rescue. That's when Louisa realized what she can do, so Louisa changed real quick, and back into her mutant form. Tigerclaw seen this, but Louisa ran as fast as her legs can take her, until she went into hiding. Tigerclaw then yells out "I'll find you girl! It's gonna be easy, and you know it!" Louisa shuddered in fear.

Louisa ran a little more, until she literally ran into Donnie, and they both fell onto their shells, Donnie was able to get up, but Louisa is having some trouble. Donnie helps the girl up, and they look eachother in the eyes, a little upside to the mutation, Louisa got a little taller. Louisa takes a few steps back, and struggles with her changing ability for a second, turning human and going straight back to turtle. Donnie finally realized who this girl is in front of him "L-Louisa?!" He asks in shock, Louisa shushed him.


That's what happens, you'll see how I am like that, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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