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Louisa's p.o.v

I felt some tears go down my face as uncle finished catching me up, I face palm "it's because of me, I just know it!" He puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure Donatello's absence has nothing to do with you my little Mei" I take his hand off of me. "You don't really understand uncle, I.... I kinda lashed out on him a week ago after my change. I thought he would've just went home to talk about it with Leo!" I explain and cry softly into my hands. Right after that the door opened, I jumped and looked behind me, Raph is right there, eyes wide.

He was slowly grabbing out his sais, I shake my head "Raph, I'm not in the mood right now, I just-" "Louisa?!" He asked shocked and dropped his weapons onto the floor. I nod my head and change into my human form for a second, then I change back and explain. "Mutated by Stockman, last things I touched were human and turtle, mutation couldn't decide. So it made me able to change to my human self, I just need to learn how to control it." Raph sits next to me and questions me about Donnie "I think I'm the reason he's gone right now."

Raph was about to punch me, but I made him punch my shell instead "hey look, now I got a shield" I joke with him. He rolls his eyes asking "what makes ya think he'd run away for a while because of ya?" I explained it to him. He pins me to the wall and was about to question me, but uncle put a reassuring hand on Raph's shoulder. "She did not intend for this to happen Raphael, please put my niece down" Raph was hesitant. Eventually my feet landed, and the gang comes in by twos, except for Casey who came here for food.

They somehow didn't notice me, but after I start talking with uncle everything got quiet instantly "who's the chick?" Casey asked with a smirk. I roll my eyes and say "can it Jones, you tried to get me once, didn't work the first time, won't work now." April looks at me and says "it's Louisa! I know that annoy- I mean voice from anywhere." I nod and take in there appearances, each of them looking kinda horrible, except for Mikey and Casey. I look down sadly as Raph tells them what I told him, Leo looks the most upset at me, also April is death glaring me.

The yelling at me doesn't change "I am sorry, I thought he would've just went to Leo because he's such an amazing big bro with even more amazing advice."

Leo smiled at that.

"Or Raph who always gots his family OR friends backs if someone messed with them."

Raph side smiled.

"Mikey is also the type of person who can bring almost the saddest of people up."

Mikey grinned from ear to ear.

"Heck he could've even went to Casey, who even if they don't get along much, he's supportive, and makes fun of the person who hurts someone who's close to him."

Casey gave me a nuggie. 'April is gonna be hard to talk good about, gosh darn it!'

"Or April, who is always supporting Donnie, no matter what he talks about."

April just looked at me confused. That was hard to be honest, but now they aren't yelling at me.

"So I promise I'll help get Donnie back, maybe if we talk, he-.... we'll both feel better, because I really feel bad, I didn't know he ran off." Everyone nods, and Leo assigns us partners "Louisa you go with Casey" we nod "April go with Mikey." They both nod "and I'll go with Raph, you two head towards China town, you two head over the TCRI way. While me and Raph go towards the dump way, now go!" We go off, after I hugged uncle goodbye. Casey kept questioning what it's like to be a mutant "well, you feel more shut out from the world."

Casey shut right up hearing me say that "I hid in the abandoned warehouse until now, I feel so stupid, why did I say those things?" I ask myself. We both got quiet, until I hear something "Casey stop, I heard something" we both stop. It got extremely quiet for a minute "uh-" "YAH!" A voice yells as it slashes my arm, I grab it in pain. "Ow!" I yell out and look at the blood coming out, I look to Casey "text the others and hand me one of your weapons." He nods and hands me his metal bat "a bat?? You think I can be taken down by a bat?!" He laughs.

That laugh...... my eyes widen "Donnie?!?" He looks at me with his cold glare, he's changed so much, metal claws like shredder, some scars, a black bandana. Some type  of red scarf, new armor, and his bo-staff already having it's blade out with blood trickling down it.

 Some type  of red scarf, new armor, and his bo-staff already having it's blade out with blood trickling down it

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 (That's him in the pic above)

He's keeping his glare on me, and he slowly walks towards me "no matter how hard you try, you won't win, you worthless little suck up." He pushes me to my shell and leaves me there "cheater! You know I can't get up!" I yell out to him. He chuckles "say goodnight-" "goongala!" Casey jumped at Donnie and hit him upside the head with his hockey stick. Donnie growls "why are you doing this Don?!" Casey asks as he hits hockey pucks at Donnie. Donnie deflected them with his bo-staff and says "I am no longer Donatello, I am Shadow."

He knocked Casey out, some blood coming from his head, Leo and Raph just get here in time to save us from anymore injury. Leo notices us and says "once April and Mikey get here, retreat! Casey is out, and Louisa is hurt." Raph nods and tries to hold off Donnie for as long as he can, until his eye gets slashed at from his bro. "Get it together Donnie!" Raph yells covering his eye to stop the bleeding from gushing out. Donnie shakes his head "IT'S SHADOW YOU IDIOTS!" He kicks Raph back by his plastron, and into a brick wall.

The wall collapsed over Raph, he barely gets up, with a limp I might add, and looks at... Shadow with a look of hurt in his eyes. I turn into my human form, get up, and turn back saying "Donnie please, I didn't know this would happen. I-" he pins me against the wall"I don't wanna hear your fucking excuses, you hurt me, just like everyone else. I am sick of it, so I'm just simply putting you in.your.place!" His voice got cold as he raised his claws. I flinch readying myself for what's about to happen "no!" Leo yells and just gets elbowed in the face by Shadow.

"Now without your kisses..... I'll be needing stitches~" I softly sing out to myself, there's no pain.... I look at Shadow who just scoffed. "Fucking idiot" he just punched my face, giving me a bloody nose, and kicks Leo on his back. After that he ran off, Mikey and April just made it to see us in our hurt conditions, Mikey helps Raph walk. Leo goes to Casey and picks him up, and April just asks "what happened??" I look at the two bros. Leo looks down, while Raph says "we got our asses handed to us, that's what happened."

I continued "Donnie..... isn't on our side anymore..."

"He calls himself Shadow now."


Sorry this is the only thing I update recently, but now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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