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Shadow's p.o.v

I'm training as much as I can, I'm getting better, but I'm still hung over her "fuck!" I yell out and somehow make the dumby break in half. Slow clapping can be heard, I turn around to see Tigerclaw, he's slow clapping, I look at him and just go to the punching bag. "Ya know, you're improving your skills everyday" he says happily, I just nod while destroying the punching bag. "Look, it takes awhile to get used to this, I know, but you still can teach them something's." I stop once the bag flies off the hook "I'm gonna go patrol" he nods his head in approval "take some foot bots with you."

-after getting alot of foot bots-

I lead them around town, until we got to the news building "okay a fourth of you go west, a fourth of you go north, a fourth of you go east, while the last group goes south. I'll just explore a little, now let's get going people!" They left in a hurry, probably because they know of me not caring if I lose some of them. I look around and decide to see if they're even in the lair, it doesn't take me long to get there. It sounds quiet, I slowly walk in, on high alert, just in case it's some kind of trap, but they're not here. I look around at everything, it's all so weird, for once it's quiet in here, I always wanted that.

I look around in the lab, pics of Louisa in frames are still in my table drawers, wait this is new.....

"'Shadow~ I really wanna talk to you, next time we meet up, we don't have to tell any of our teams, but I just wanna tell you something. I would really appreciote' she needs to learn how to spell 'sorry, appreciate it if you do this for me.' Signed Louisa...... ughhh, fine, I'll send her something on her t-phone, hopefully she still has it."

Louisa's p.o.v

I am just watching youtube on my t-phone, it's so boring without Donnie.... I feel a tear leave my eye at the thought of him. Oh yeah, we got our rooms ready at least, that's a good thing!.... Then why do I feel so empty. Someone texted me.....

"'Weeza, I seen your note, meet me tomorrow night, midnight sharp, if you're late, don't expect me to wait up for ya!!' I have no idea who this is. They sent another text! 'It's Shadow, midnight sharp! Don't be late....' at least I get a chance." I get up and go look around at everyone, they're getting ready for patrol, I grab my kunais and follow them. "Bringing the weapons this time I see?" Casey asks with a smile, I nod "let's get this over and done with." We run to up top, it doesn't take us long to find the foot "let's kick some robot chassis."

We started the fight, but more kept coming after another "where are they coming from?!" Casey asks as he makes some explode. I fight back to back with Mikey, we switch sides every now and again "I don't know, but I might not hold on for long." They started to separate us, I groan and throw a smoke bomb down, that distracted them. That gave us some time to run, but one grabbed my arm without the gang knowing. I throw my t-phone to where Leo would be, it barely made it to him without it breaking, it's on his shell.

"Let me go! You skinny ass robots!" They grab my arms and take me away, I hear Mikey yelling for me "I'll be okay! Just keep an eye on my t-phone!" I yell back. Hopefully they'll see what Shadow texted, and they can work together, I stop resisting and let them carry me.

Leo's p.o.v

I reach for whatever is trying to get in my shell "here I got it" Raph says and grabs it, it looks like Louisa's t-phone. Mikey widens his eyes saying "guys that's dudettes t-phone! She says to keep an eye on it for her." Mikey grabs it from Raph and starts looking at some stuff "I wouldn't do that if I were you dude. Shorty might get upset-" "woah guys, check this out! 'Are you okay?' 'Yeah, why?' 'You said you'd visit today.' Aww Don and Louisa texted alot!" I roll my ryes and grab the phone from him "stop snooping."

I was about to turn it off, but a text says it's Shadow! "Guys Shadow texted her!" "Well read it Mr. Snoop!" Raph tells me. I nod and start reading the texts out loud, everyone was wide eyed hearing this, I am too. We all look at one another, that's when Casey says "we gotta get Don to help us get her back. Ya heard Mikey, they texted, she likes him, what more do we need to get him to help us??" We nod. "Then it's decided, one of us is gonna tell Donnie, and I think I know the perfect turtle...." I say with a smirk looking at my bro.


Okay I got this done, I love this story so much, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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