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Louisa's p.o.v

I pulled Donnie into a better hiding spot, just in case Stockman or Tigerclaw heard him, he grabs me by my forearms and makes me look him in the eye. He says "Louisa, what happened??" I take my arms from his hold and lean against the wall. "I got mutated, obviously, once I left the sewers, Stockman found me and threw mutagen on me. Since the last two things I touched were turtle and human, I think my mutation couldn't decide on which one. So I can switch, I can't really.... control it yet" Donnie looks like he's having pity on me.

"Now you feel bad?" He looks at me shocked "what?" "I am always having to deal with almost everything! Raph with his mean teasing, and April and her sass. Just wait until they see me like this! You may have been able to stick up for me, but you never helped me afterwords. You know how I said I was nothing earlier?" He was in too much shock to answer me. "I was nothing.... now I'm a mutation of nothing... so leave me alone like you always do!" I push him down and ran. I just kept running while he was down and with those words in his head, I don't know what he's thinking, but I just want to be alone.

Donnie's p.o.v

Tears weld up in my eyes, I cry as I sit on the alleyway ground, that's when a sound of a jet pack lands in front of me. I look up and see Tigerclaw, I sit up against the wall, he gives me a reassuring smile "the girl finally ditched you." He puts his hand out in front of me "join us in the new war of New York, and you can make them pay. Remember every single thing they've done that made you feel like nothing, they'll continue on. Unless you put them in their place, so whaddaya say?" I look at his hand for a second, then grab it.

No one's p.o.v

-a week later-

Only things that have happened throughout the week was Louisa hid in an abandoned warehouse, Donnie trained nonstop, and the others are looking for both of them. Right now we're watching Donnie as he takes down alot of trained ninjas, every one of them had something broken. Tigerclaw nods with approval, overtime throughout just this week Donnie has a whole new look. When Donnie finished he looked back at Tigerclaw with his cold stare he adapted, Tigerclaw nodded once in approval. "Nice job Shadow, you did good, now go search for the others, if we take them down we'll be unstoppable."

Donnie, a.k.a Shadow, smirks with his cold stare still on his face "you can count on me claw, now that they only got the machines I made them, I can take 'em down. Also they'll run out of smokebombs soon, they won't have much ways of getting away." Tigerclaw smiles big "I should've recruited you sooner Shadow" Shadow chuckles "I know."

-with the gang-

Leo was meditating almost non-stop, when he wasn't meditating he was getting everyone to train, he tries to skip bathing, sleeping, and eating. He eats something small like a banana or a bowl of cereal, besides that he's worried for Donnie. Raph's just either training, or sleeping, he drinks a cup of water everyday at least, that's the only things he does. Mikey is either crying or eating pizza, he tries to hang out with April or Casey, both are just worried for Don. Right now Leo is meditating, Mikey is wiping away a few strands of tears, and Raph is hitting the dumby.

April was walking towards the lair, her hair down, and the only person who noticed her was Leo, he ran up to her yelling "surprise attack!" April made him stop, midair. "Leo you do this everytime I come here, it's getting old" then April made Leo land on his feet. Raph walks in and says "let's go patrol around again, I'll text Casey to go search. Imma search alone this time, you three can decide who ya go with, I don't give a fuck" after Donnie left Raph also stopped caring about his profanity. Raph heads up top and starts jumping rooftop to rooftop, waiting for Don or Louisa to get in sight.

-with Louisa-

Louisa was running low on food, her stomach grumbled underneath her plastron "ughhh this food needs stomach.... other way around." Louisa's hunger is getting the best of her, she's getting a little confused easier than usual. The upside to her being lonely, she learned how to control her ability a little better than before. So with that thought in mind, Louisa changed into her human self, it doesn't last long though. Louisa sadly walked to the closest food place she knows she can go to without getting close to found out.

Louisa is heading to Murikami's, she might have a run in with the turtles, but that was a risk Louisa was willing to take. It wasn't far at least, just a five minute walk, so when Louisa walked in Murikami mistakened her for someone else. "Hello Leonardo, it's been awhile since I last seen you, tell me where are your brothers?" With that Murikami starts preparing gyoza. Louisa's face went to confusion "does that mean I'm the same turtle as Leo?" The girl asked herself. Murikami's face changed to happiness, and not to mention he dropped his knives.

Louisa jumped from the sound and looked at Murikami, he had tears going down his face as he went straight to Louisa and hugged her. "Louisa-san don't do this to me, I've been worried for a week straight for you!" Louisa hugged back. "Sorry uncle, it's just.... I got changed" he nods in agreement "I can tell, you haven't eaten too. I'll get you something done in just a minute, I think you'll need more than just one meal right now." Louisa doesn't argue with Murikami, but keeps an eye out as she changed back into her turtle form. "Have the gang come around?" Louisa asked her uncle, he nods "only April, she informed me on the situation."

Louisa's face went to shock "I am a situation? Huh.. slow crime week" Murikami set some gyoza down in front of her "no, I'm afraid they don't know the whereabouts of Donatello." Louisa choked a little on the gyoza "what?!" Murikami nodded and explained everything.


Sorry I've been doing them long, but I love this, I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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