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Wild Card's p.o.v

I start thinking about Donnie.... ughh how stupid can I be?! 'I'm liking the enemy! What is wrong with me?! I can't like Donnie. Can I?' I think to myself as I lay back and look at the stars "'wait you like Donnie?'" Rambles asks. I roll my eyes 'stay out of this rambles!' She got quiet, so I took that as she gave up on talking to me. Just like everyone else....

Donnie's p.o.v

I captured Baxter Stockman without anyone noticing, and I brought him to a roof far away from their hideout. "Alright Stockman, talk! What kind of brain worm did you put in Louisa?" He looks at me scared. "A tampered one, I thought if I gave her more sass and a backstory she would be better. Looks like I put a little too much backstory" I pin him to the wall and say "what does that mean?" He flinched. "The brain worm isn't under my control, it believes it's bad, and that it's backstory actually happened. It thinks it is an actual mutant turtle."

I glare at Stockman as I ask "how do I get it out of her? She's out of control, she burned down where my family used to hide. If you upseted her, she might do the same to you" his eyes widen at my reasoning and thinks. "W-Well you can go at this two ways" I look at him, urging him to continue with what he means. "The safe way, or the risky way" I roll my eyes "safe way please" "so you make her feel complete. Make her feel like she actually belongs, her backstory consists of her being mutated, in front of her parents."

I look at him confused as he continues "they told her that she's no one, she was only about seven at the time, so it really left an impact." "Oh god what have I done?" I ask myself out loud "did you tell her she's no one?" He asks. I look at the ground embarrassed "for you, I'm just gonna wish you luck, because she and her sass are a handful." I let him go, and walk away "have any idea where she might be?" I ask out loud as he gets to the fire escape. He looks at me "isolated is all I can think of, also watch what you do, I made her think I trained her every morning to take down forty foot bots."

I widen my eyes at hearing that "so that's how she got stronger than me! I can only go up to twenty-five!" He nods "I was thinking of doing more, but that would tire her out. See ya turtle!" He finally leaves 'isolated, huh?' I think to myself as I devise a plan on where to look. "She doesn't really like boring places like work places because they speak too many big words. Can't forget she likes messes because of her being lazy, so think of something falling apart. Obviously something abandoned" I say out loud to myself as I start texting friends for help.

"Wait real quick, don't get her upset! I know it worked the last time, but that's the risky option, it will make her so upset, she'll wipe Louise out of her own head completely." I look at him furious "it's Louisa, not Louise!" I yelled really loud at him "sorry, but I don't care."

Wild Card's p.o.v

I walk back into the warehouse and say "so I was thinking-" "yo, guys the ugly dudette is back!" Innocent yells. That made my heart break a little "'I have nothing to do with this, I swear.... at least I don't think I do.'" Leader then yells "Mikey don't say that, he clearly is a dude!" I glare at them through my sadness. "Well at least I can turn into a human, you idiotic turtles! If I can turn back-" "if you can, so that means ya probably can't. You can be a turtle forever for all ya know!" Temper yells "'woah I don't feel so good'" rambles says weakly.

They all exchange a look as I just say "don't stop, you're making rambles stop rambling for once!" I say excited that she stopped talking. Their eyes widen hearing that "u-uhhh.... you are a... amazing friend?" Leader asks more than says. I furrow my eyebrows hearing that "'oh my god that feels better, Leo keep talking!'" Rambles says happier. I roll my eyes "great, now I get to hear her more" temper looks at me confused "I need an explanation." I look at all of them while saying "there's this little voice in the back of my head, complete opposite of me. I call her rambles, because she talks alot."

"'I have an actual name ya know!'" "Oh, apparently she has an actual name" "I've told you this before, my name is Louisa.'" They all look at me, urging me to continue, I nod my head saying "probably the same Louisa you guys mistake me for. She keeps saying I'm her, or something like that" Leo and Raph, what rambles calls them at least, exchange a look. "Anyways let's get to sleep, night guys!" I say and lay my head on Leo's legs again to get comfy. "'Oh my god, once I'm back I am pouring a bucket of hot water on my head, maybe more than one.'"

I laugh a little "then you're also gonna wash your lips" she shudders in my head "don't remind me!" She somehow gets me to say. I open my eyes and say "don't think about questioning me, unless you want bitch slapped across the face." They all get quiet hearing that, I smirk and mumble "that's what I thought.... you space pirates."


I love doing this story, can I get opinions? Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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