9 || cry on my shoulder

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I arrived at graysons house and he opened the door
" hey Nia " he said giving me a hug which I returned

" hey gray " I said not knowing I called him gray

He looked at me and then I realised

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you gray " I said stuttering

" no it's fine , I don't mind " he said smiling

I smiled back before walking into his house to see aaliyah

" babyyyyyyyyyy" I said with excitement running over to her

" niaaaaa " she said giggling while clapping her hands

I placed her into my arms , wrapping her body around my waist as I hugged her

" I missed you bup " I said with a smile

" I miss you too " she said smiling with her teeth , she didn't have that much

I walked over to a couch and sat down opposite Grayson

I placed aaliyah on my lap but put her side ways

She started playing with my fingers and my hair

I stared at her with smile , she was amazing

I looked up to see Grayson looking at us in awe

" you'd be a great mother " he said with a small smile

I looked back at aaliyah and blushed

" thank you " I said shyly

He nodded his head as a way to say you welcome

" let's talk " he suggested

" about what " I asked

"I want to tell you more about my life " he said

I nodded for him to start talking

" well it started when I was 18 . I had a girlfriend , her name was Alexa . Me and her were watching a movie that had a few I guess sexual parts and we began to feel ........ tense and bothered ? anyways yeah and then we had sex . When we had it I didn't realise I released into her . The next morning she started to feel sick and throw up a little so I took her to the doctors and they did a check up on her , turned out she was pregnant. I was in shock , I mean yes I was still very young but it was always a dream of mine to have a child , her , not so much . She didn't really want a child because she believed it took too much time out of your life and that you'd loose all the fun and exploring to watch a baby or child . So then I begged her to not do an abortion because I really wanted this child . She agreed with me and decided to keep it . I thought she was going to change her mind and want a child and look after it with me but I thought wrong . Once she gave birth to the child she went to the bathroom pretending that she was going to pee but instead she had a suitcase near by the toilet filled with everything she needed and changed from her hospital clothes to her normal clothes and put on some disguises and left the hospital, no one knew . I had aaliyah in my arms , admiring her . She looks so much like me compared to her mother . Her smile and face was so beautiful, I instantly fell in love with aaliyah the moment she was brought into this world , I was even already in love with her when she was in her mothers tummy . I didn't realise Alexa was taking so long , all my attention was towards aaliyah . Around 7 mins I started to realise that Alexa didn't come back so something must be up . I thought she was doing a number two so that's why she took so long but that wasn't the case . She ran and left us all alone but I didn't realise that until this one time I walked to the front door of my house and saw a letter then opened it , i read
Dear Grayson ,
I don't know where to start . I'm sorry for leaving you when you needed me the most especially to look after our daughter . I'm sorry for not explaining to you face to face on why I left even though there shouldn't be any excuse . I'm sorry for leaving you with our daughter that I helped making . We were young and didn't have our lives sorted or planned out yet . It was a mistake having a child and I wasn't there for you or our daughter. I have a new life now . I'm married , I'm currently pregnant and this time I will be there for my daughter and my husband. I can't turn back to you grayson , or aaliyah . I can't come back into your lives . I have to leave you two , I'm sorry

- Alexa , your ex wife

I broke down . I still loved her a little even though she did some messed up things . She's married and is pregnant , she said she'll be there for THAT daughter but not her other daughter . I felt so lost and confused without Alexa . She left me with a child to take care of all alone . It was pretty hard since I didn't have a job so I had to get help from my twin brother until I could find a job . Sometimes he would look after her with his wife Maria , they both loved aaliyah a lot and they had a child of their own as well , a son . Ever since that I was the only one who's ever looked after aaliyah properly , all alone with not that much help . " he explained to me , a few tears dropping from his eyes

I instantly felt sympathy and heartbreak for him

I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the couch , giving him a hug . He wrapped his arms around me as I gently rubbed my hands on his back for comfort . I let him cry on my shoulder , I could feel his tears on my shirt but it didn't matter to me , I wanted to be there for him

" I'm so sorry gray " I whispered kissing his forehead and then continued to rub his back

He clinged onto me tighter which I didn't mind , I want him to feel like he's cared about and that I'm there for him whenever he needs me

" daddy are you otay " aaliyah said walking over to us

" daddy's fine bubba , play with your toys okay sweetie " I told her

" otay Nia " she said before walking over to her toys and playing with them , a smile instantly covering her face as she watched the toys make sounds

I never thought Grayson would ever cry infront of me . I mean sure men and boys go through some tough stuff but they never cry about it infront of people or they act as if it didn't hurt even though it did , they didn't need to do that . They need to know that it's okay to cry , who cares what others think . Everyone goes through tough things in life and need a shoulder to cry on

Grayson can cry on my shoulder

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