17 || you're beautiful , remember that

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it was night time and we were getting ready to go to sleep

grayson didn't mind me sleeping in his bed with him so I did

I went to the bathroom and changed into my shorts and vest to go to sleep

There was a long mirror in his room so I go in front of it and look at my body

I frown at my belly

I wish it was like other girls

I wish I had curves

I wish I was beautiful

I wish I looked like other girls

Why would anyone like me ?

I stood in front of the mirror just holding up my shirt a little while tears clouded my eyes

Grayson walked into the room and saw me tearing up

" hey hey what's the matter " he said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind while he rested his head on my shoulder

" I'm ugly " I said sadly

" no you're definitely not . you're so beautiful and perfect the way you are , don't doubt yourself " he said

" but I have a fat belly and I look ugly . There's so much other girls that look so much better than me " I frown

" don't say that . I love your belly . And you're not ugly at all . You're gorgeous , stunning . I love your eyes that glow and shine in the sunlight . I love your long eyelashes . I love your cute nose that I can bop . I love your soft silky hair that I can run my hands through . I love your lips that curve into a beautiful heart warming smile . I love your cute tiny ears . I love your freckles . I love your body , perfect in my eyes . Just because you don't look like other girls doesn't mean you aren't good enough . Whoever thinks you're not beautiful can honestly fuck off because they're too blind to see it . I love everything about you " he said kissing my head at the end as he continued to stare at me through the mirror

" thank you grayson " I said turning around to him to give him a hug

I wrap my arms around his waist while he wrapped his around my neck since I was shorter than him

" you're beautiful " he whispered into my hair

Aaliyah walked in and smiled at the view of us hugging

" daddy likes nia, Nia likes daddy " she exclaimed happily

" yeah " I said causing us to both blush

we walk up to her and hug her

she goes to her room and we follow to tuck her in and read her a short story

after we went back to graysons room and went into bed

He instantly wrapped his arms around my waist as my back faced him

He snuggled up to me closely while slowly rubbing my belly , his touch made me shudder

My eyes started closing , I was tired

Before I fell into deep sleep I hear grayson whisper something

" you're beautiful, remember that "

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