27 || officially yours

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Grayson said he wanted to take me and aaliyah out for dinner in a secret area

Not at all scary

I'm joking

We got ready for this surprise dinner

I helped aaliyah choose her clothes and do her hair then she helped me do my hair

She loves doing people's hair , she's practiced on dolls hair that's why she's so good at it

Once we both finished we walked downstairs while holding hands

We see Grayson staring at us in awe with a huge smile on his face waiting for us at the end of the stairs

" my queen and princess " Grayson said engulfing us both into a hug

Aaliyah hugged his legs since she was short but the view was adorable

I hugged his body while one hand was on my back and the other was on aaliyahs head

We pulled away after a few seconds

" you're both so beautiful " Grayson said picking up aaliyah in his arms , wrapping her legs around his waist

We thank him and give him a kiss on the cheek before walking out the front door remembering to close it behind us

Infront of our view was graysons car which looked different , he changed the colour to baby blue

It looked so sick

We got in the car , me being in the passenger seat and aaliyah in the back as Grayson drove us to the secret area

" where are we going " aaliyah asked

" it's a surprise princess " Grayson said looking at her through the mirror

" can't you tell us " I whined

The lights are red meaning the car stopped

" shhhh or else I'll turn back " Grayson joked around

" I'm sorry " I pout

He gave my lips a peck

" I'm only joking " he said

" I know , I just wanted a kiss because I knew you were going to kiss me " i cheekily smiled

" cheeky cheeky girl " Grayson laughed a little

" your cheeky girl " I grin

" my cheeky girl " he said placing his hand on my thigh with a smile on his face

I place my hand on top of his , resting it there

We continue driving until we finally arrived at the place around 7 mins later

We get out of the car and the view in front of me was amazing

We were at the beach during sunset while the birds flew through the beautiful sky

We loved beaches during the sunset

Me and aaliyah run over to where there was dinner set up for three in the middle of the beach

Grayson laughed at us and caught up with us while we waited for him at the table

He opened the chairs for us and we thanked him then took a seat

He walked over to his chair and took a seat as well

All kinds of food and dessert was in front of us , my mouth dropped at the sight

I quickly get the fork and knife and dig into the food

Stuffing everything into my mouth as laughters surrounded me

Aaliyah and Grayson were laughing

" you've got food here " Grayson said wiping the corner of my lips

I blush and thank him

He gently takes my hand in his and intertwined them together making me smile

" Nia " he said

I look at him for him to continue

" I remember the first day I ever looked into your eyes and felt my entire world flip. For the first time, I've found someone I hate leaving. I found someone that I can't get enough of. I found someone that accepts me for who I am. Someone up there must be watching out for me because they sent haven's most beautiful angel into my life. I never thought anyone would ever make me smile, laugh, and capture my heart as fast as you have. I'm falling for you , crazy . Being in a relationship isn't about the kissing, the dates or the showing off. It's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can.i want to be with you . Will you make me a happy man and be my girlfriend " he asked with a necklace in his hand

I smile and nod my head repeatedly

" of course " I laugh hugging him tightly

He wrapped his arms around me

" yayyyyyyy" aaliyah giggled and screamed with excitement jumping up and down

Me and Grayson laugh at her then move our faces so they were opposite each other

" how did I get so lucky " he whispered tucking a piece of hair behind my ear

I blush and he smiled leaning in to give me a long slow kiss

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