16 || dinner

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me , grayson and aaliyah are on our way to the restaurant

we got into his car , me sitting in the passenger seat , grayson driving and aaliyah in the back

his playlist started playing and we sang some songs while having a laugh and talking about things

I liked his company and talking to him

he's intriguing

Around 10 minutes later we arrive at the restaurant

It was a 5 star restaurant, I had no clue until we arrived

" Grayson " I gasp looking at the restaurant

" it's beautiful, you didn't have to " I said in awe

" but you deserve it so I did have to " he smiled

I look at him and smile back " aren't you adorable " I laugh

He playfully winked at me and we both grabbed Aaliyah's hands and started walking towards the door

we all swayed our hands while we walked

we looked like a family

we open the door and enter the building

" hey could I get a table for three please " Grayson asked the receptionist

" sure thing " the receptionist said checking if there were any available on her iPad

" please follow this young man here and he'll be your waiter for the night . You guys look like a lovely family by the way " she smiled

" we're not together " me and Grayson said looking at each other

" you don't like each other then " she asked wiggling her eyebrows sensing some connection between me and Grayson

" no " I said looking at him while he still looked at me

It was like we were having a staring competition

It was a lie though , we did like each other but wasn't sure the other knew

Aaliyah was whining about standing up too much , she wanted to sit down and get her food

" alright , I hope you have an amazing night then " the woman said shaking our hands

We both thanked her and followed our waiter to our table

Grayson kindly pulled out the chair for me

" thank you " I said smiling at him

" of course , no problem " he smiled back

I blush and look down at the table

Sometimes he gets me really nervous

Sometimes I have butterflies in my stomach speaking to him

He has an effect on me

We both told the waiter what we wanted and waited for our food

As we waited we talked about our past life and what we wanna do in the future

Grayson was a very interesting guy

Once we got our food we dug in and talked more about things we wanted to find out about the other

The night was amazing

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