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Narrator Perspective

Sitting in a chair with tangled black locks, a being no more than eighteen reads a book. This book serves no importance as of right now, but keep in mind that this book will bother your mind throughout this short story.

A story of said teen who sits in the control room on his designated seat with a book on any topic you can think of. But it's not what you are thinking of. This book will be revealed soon. Very soon.

Actually, why don't I introduce the book now to get your mind away from the tantalizing buzz you feel from yearning to know the name of said book.

The book... Sufferance... was a book that was read throughout the young teen's childhood, yet never disappoints his satisfaction. The need to know who his is and what he has to offer. Words similar to one's he would repeat in an alternate universe.

That's not my story to tell. That's yours to watch as I will not spoil what has already been rotted. I am but a narrator for a short story that will probably never satisfy your thirst.

Anyways enough about I: We have a story to be told. And if you skip what I have warned, you best be prepared for a storm to brew from your incompetence. So enjoy my story, dear readers, for it might be one that has your heart racing, stopping in fear and horror.



Pushing my glasses to the brim of my nose, I leaned back in my metal chair stuffed with feathered pillows and a red blanket laid across my lap. The sounds of grunts, rustling and shouts are heard in the background as I roll my eyes and stick my nose back into the world of literature.

Footsteps are heard from outside the metal door as a light laugh or two are echoed through the castle halls. A slight swoosh reveals the princess of said castle and her advisor while they converse about the plans for an upcoming mission for the war of which us five humans partake in.

"Coran, it is imperative that the Paladins increase their bonds and begin to finally merge as one. Knowing each other's favorite color will not get them to trust each other on the battle field." Allura scoffed as the ginger haired male twirled his mustache around his index finger while humming in agreement.

My shoulders tense as I realize that the current conversation might lead to my downfall while both Alteans continue to express their needs for us to grow closer. Noting that they have not noticed my presence in the room, I gather my book and blanket before slowly sneaking towards the door before slamming into a slightly hard figure.

My black rimmed glasses skid across the floor as my rear smashed onto the cold metal beneath earning a low, involuntary groan from my lips.

Glaring at the figure above me, I squinted to make out the face of the person as they chuckled before grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet before placing my glasses onto my nose.

"My bad. Sorry Keith." An annoying voice apologized while I once again rolled my pupils and grabbed my blanket before searching for my novel before seeing it at the feet of the green Paladin.

"Sufferance? Isn't this a book about an old man who lives his life in the shadows with nothing but a cat and he finds himself in a dilemma of self acceptance, thus taking a trip down memory lane to find where he went wrong?" Pidge deduces as perspiration began to develop on my forehead while my eyes flickered from right to left before I shrugged, nonchalantly.

"And if it is?" I responded with as much normalcy as possible. "It shouldn't matter, can I have my book back?"

"This book was made in 1926! This book is an antique! Where did you get a copy from?" Pidge continued to question as I squirmed from the unwanted attention.

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