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Third Person

"We have your honor. The case of Akira Kogane vs The Kojishis. In the account of rape in the third, sodomy and child pornographers; we find the defendants..." The head juror spoke as she stood before opening the paper with a sigh. "Guilty."

"Take them to Arizona's finest Penitentiary. There, they will carry out a sentence of 25 years each. This court is adjourned." The judge beat his gavel as everyone in Voltron gave Keith a hug as he smiled brightly from the center of them.

"Time to celebrate! I'll be cooking up a big feast and I'll call down Veronica, Marco and Luis. Maybe Rachel can take a break from her fashion school to come over!" Mrs. McClain cheered as Keith smiled weakly.

"That's fine. You don't really need to-!" Keith tried to object as she shook her head and clapped.

"Nonsense! Anything for my son's future novio!" She assured as Keith glanced at Lance who coughed before tilting his head in confusion.

"N-novio? What does that mean?" Keith squinted as she chuckled before grabbing his arm and leading him out of the court.

"You'll find out in due time, sweetheart."


Waking from a short nap on the way to the McClain residence, Keith yawned as he felt arms wrapped around his body; carrying him out of the car and up some stairs as everyone began to leave the vehicle. Closing his eyes, Keith nuzzled into this person; not knowing who held him.

"Welc-!" The door opened as a quick Shh! caused silence as the person who held Keith rocked him back and forth.

"Keith necesita descansar. Nos reuniremos con todos ustedes cuando despierte. Ha tenido un largo día." A heavily accented voice spoke in Spanish as Keith felt them begin to walk up another set of stairs, this time longer.

A door creaked open as the person closed the room with their foot before turning off the lights; setting Keith down on the bed and sitting on the floor next to him.

Feeling a hand move over his cheekbone, Keith tried not to shutter as the person chuckled lowly before pressing a kiss to his nose.

"You mean everything to me, Keith. From your stormy purple eyes that shine brighter than the millions of stars in the sky to that adorable laugh that leaves my heart fluttering. Shit... I... I think I'm in love with you... I think I've always have been. The thought of having feelings for a guy scared me for so long... Changing the subject... Did you know that I was referring to that bonding moment from awhile back? Surprise, I still remember." The voice, now identified as Lance, sighed weakly as his voice began to break. "Fuck... I didn't expect to cry after everything that we've been through in space. Everything you've been through on Earth. I can see why you never spoke about it. I don't deserve to cry, damn. But I never want to see you upset for any other reason than the war. Humanity shouldn't be as fucked up as space aliens in a war. If not, more! Shit, I should quiet down before I accidentally wake you up."

Hearing a shuffle, a warm body engulfed Keith from behind as a face tucked into his neck as he stiffened up a bit before relaxing. "I... I love you... I love you so much. You're overly cocky, know-it-all attitude, your vulnerability when it comes to social issues, your need for justice. I want to be able to hold you in my arms for protection. I want to be able to touch you in ways no one else can. I want to make you happier than anyone else. You brighten my life with just an anger-filled yet beautiful glare every time I annoy you. I... I want you to be mine."

A soft kiss was placed on his neck as Keith gulped before giving up, rolling over to pin Lance's hands to the bed while glaring into his bright ocean eyes. "W-why?"

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