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Third Person

"Keith. Namdongsaeng, Otouto... No... No..." Shiro covered his mouth as tears began to sniffle as Keith bit his lip and stared up at his brother figure and mentor. "I... I was supposed to watch over you... I should have seen the s-signs..."

"You weren't even in the picture. How could you protect someone who you didn't even know existed?" Keith smiled weakly as Shiro placed a hand on the Korean teen's face as he leaned his forehead against his as Keith's face slowly shifted into a forced smile with tears streaming down his face. "I'm ok, Kashi! I'm here, aren't I?"

"No! You're not alright! We need to get back to Earth. We.. w-we need to nail those bastards. Ok? We're going to do this. Because we are Voltron. And evil does no justice." Shiro kissed Keith's forehead as everyone began to whisper as Shiro stood up before patting Keith on the head. "Wormhole to Earth. Now."

"Um. We have the right to continue with our missions? Also we have no clue what the quiznak is going on right now! If you hadn't noticed, he spoke another language." Allura pointed at Keith who shuttered before smiling at the ground. "For all we know, he could have cursed you out in... what did Pidge say it was- Japanese?"

"Keith? Should I...?" He trailed off as Keith's purple eyes stared up at Shiro with pure and raw sadness.

"Y-Yeah... Please tell them... Whatever gets us down to Arizona quickest..." Keith smiled weakly as Shiro gave a slow nod.

"Keith was... sexually abused by one of his foster parents. A young couple, both in their mid twenties or so." Shiro explained as everyone's eyes turned towards me with empathy.

"Can we just go?! Now!" Keith whined as he stood up and grabbed a controller from the table before storming out. "Bonding night is over."

"Wait!" A hand grabbed his arm as it pulled him into a chest as someone gently ran a hand through his hair. Shivering, he peaked up to find caramel skin and perfect blue eyes. "Keith, Akira... We care about you. We don't even know you that well, but we do. So please... Talk to us. Let us know the real you."

"I'm not a victim... And I won't be treated like one." He pushed off of him before turning away from the team's curious eyes. "Just drop it and take me back to Earth."

"We're all coming with you. If you won't tell us what happened, we'll find out from the news or even the court." Lance spoke as the pale teen froze before the Cuban tilted his head up and stared him in the purple storm known as his eyes. "So tell us exactly what happened?"

"I-I... I came home from school... I was currently in a phase... At least they thought it was a phase..." Keith began as Lance gave a nod to signal that he continued the memory. "I... I was caught talking to a group of-f boys who almost... Y-yeah... Because of h-how I was dressed."

"You keep mentioning apparel, number four. You're leaving out details." Coran spoke up as Keith rubbed his arms before closing his eyes.

"Pastel colors. Overalls. Girly clothes. It made me comfortable and I felt closer to my mom, regardless of the fact that I've never known her before Voltron." Keith quickly explained as he chuckled. "Anyways... Rain saw me with these kids and dragged me away by my arms to the house a few blocks away from the scene..."

"That wasn't it. You mentioned two people. What about Eden?" Pidge questioned as Keith groaned before rubbing his eyes, willing the flashbacks to disappear.

"When we arrived at the house... Rain pinned me to a wall and grabbed me by my neck... She said I deserved to be punished for not listening. That I should have been a man because of my lineage... Like she knew something about me that even I didn't know." Keith's eyes widened before shaking his head. Shiro placed a hand on Keith's shoulder as the tale progressed. "S-She called over her brother... He pinned me b-by my hands and I pleaded..."

"Keith... you can stop now..." Shiro whispered as the ravenette shoved his hand off his shoulder before pointing at everyone.

"H-he leaned closer to my e-ear and licked it... The smell of beer and the sight of glass... He cupped m-my... And s-said You signed up for this when you didn't listen, cub." Keith grabbed his hair again as he rocked on the heels of his feet before shaking heavily. "H-he told me t-that only r-real men got to make the d-decision. T-that I was a bitch... T-this was the f-first time h-he went a-all t-the w-way..."

"All the way? W-what did he do before?" Hunk hesitantly asked as Keith ran a hand down his face in shame.

"F-forced me onto m-my k-k-knees... S-spat o-on me... O-on the occasion, h-he w-would s-sneak into my bathroom while I was showering a-and film it... S-She a-always filmed it..." He shook harder as Lance quickly wrapped him into his arms while placing kisses on his forehead and nose. "I-I'm sorry! I'm so s-sorry! Gomen'nasai! Joesong haeyo!"

"Hey... Calm down. No need to apologize. And you're right. You aren't a victim." Lance whispered into Keith's ear as he struggled against him as the cuban's grip on his waist grew tighter. "You're Keith, Pilot of the Red Lion of Voltron. Brother of Takashi Shirogane. Alien halfbreed with a kickass mom. A role model to millions of species all over the multiverse. A kindhearted, guarded soul with people he can confide in. A sweet, innocent Korean child. Let me ask you something?"

Blinking away the tears, Keith tilted his head in confusion as Lance smiled down at him playfully. "W-What?"

"Are you gay and proud?" Lance questioned as Keith's eyes widened and he stared at the ground in hatred. "I repeat, are gay and proud?"

"I-I'm ashamed... I'm scared..." Keith shook as Lance gave him a peck on the cheek before staring back into his purplish-grey eyes.

"That wasn't the question. Are you gay?" Lance asked as Keith looked at the team while they stared in confusion since both teens were whispering the entire time.

"Y-yes... I'm g-gay..." Keith mumbled as Lance placed a kiss on his nose before asking the second half of the question. "Y-Yes I-I'm proud."

"Say it like you mean it. Come to terms with it. You're a pastel goth with a rainbow heart. What makes you a man is having pride in who you are and who you want to be." Lance smiled before standing tall and grabbing Keith's hands before pressing a kiss to his knuckles as the shorter boy blushed a heavy red. "Now say it for everyone to hear."

"I-I'm g-gay and p-proud..." He squeaked as Lance gave a nod while shifting his hands back to Keith's waist as Keith stared at his palms, forming them into fists.

"Again." Lance squinted as he dug his hands into Keith's waist as he winced from the demand.

"I-I'm gay and proud." He shook as Lance placed a kiss on the corner of Keith's mouth as his eyes widened with strength and power.

"Stay strong. Louder." Lance shouted as Keith stomped on the ground with a smirk as the Red Lion roared from its chambers. A fire ignited in Keith's chest as he shouted in unison with his lion.

"I'm Akira Kogane! Paladin of the Red Lion, little brother of Takashi Shirogane! Pastel goth since 9! I have a kickass mom and a halfbreed bloodline! I'm gay and proud. And anyone who tells me otherwise can go to hell!" Keith growled as he stuck his hand out and his Bayard materialized into his sword. "Call up the Blade of Marmora. We need to get this finished with as soon as possible."

"There's the Keith we all know and love." Lance smiled brightly as Keith smirked in his direction before grabbing the front of his shirt. "W-wait w-wh-!?"

Without another peep from anyone, Keith places his lips onto Lance's quickly before pushing him away and turning towards the doors. "Everyone stop standing around and prepare to get back to Earth."



~Shadow Out!🌑

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