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Third Person

"What the hell did you do, Leandro!? The poor boy is traumatized!" Veronica shouted as Pidge and Hunk snickered at the name as Lance's face bloomed red. "Well!?"

"Calm down! I didn't do anything wrong!" Lance hissed as he grabbed his head. On another couch, Keith laid his head on Shiro's lap while staring at Lance.

"Then what the hell was the screaming and yelling going on in that room!?" Adam screamed while crossing his arms while staring down at the boy. "We trusted you to watch over him! Not take advantage of a vulnerable kid!"

"News flash! He's not a kid!" Lance laughed pathetically as he rubbed his face with the back of his hand. "Not to put the blame... If there is any blame, but he started and consented! I would never force myself into him!"

"Then why was he shouting!?" Shiro barked as Lance sighed before leaning back in his seat while shrugging his shoulders.

"That's something you're going to ask him because I can't read minds!" Lance shouted back in frustration as he stood up to walk over to Keith who sat up to stare him in the eyes. "Hey..."

"Hi..." Keith mumbled as Lance ran a hand through his hair while Keith leaned into it while sighing.

"Did... did I hurt you?" Lance bit his lip as Keith shifted in Shiro's lap before leaning towards Lance and placing his lips onto his softly.

"N-no..." Keith breathed out as he smiled at the Cuban who gave a small nod.

"What happened in there, Keith?" Shiro turned him towards his face as he cupped Keith's chin while the boy pushed his hands away from him before almost falling off the couch, only to be caught by Lance.

"Don't touch me. And I don't have to give you every detail of my life." He hissed as he leaned on Lance who rubbed his back in circles. "Lance didn't hurt me. I started everything upstairs and I knew what I was getting myself into."

"That's the thing. We don't know what happened upstairs!" Veronica growled as Rachel shook her head while biting her lip and looking away from the crowd, catching Veronica's eye. "... Except that Rachel saw the start. What were they doing?"

"Confidential. I'm not going to snitch on my twin." She scoffed before winking at Lance who gave a bright smile to her as he placed a kiss on Keith's head. "Besides, we shouldn't be harassing what we should be celebrating!"

"Celebrating?" Mrs.McClain raised an eyebrow as Pidge and Hunk shared another look as the older woman's eyes beamed with joy. "You don't mean-!"

"Congrats Lance and Keith! Took you guys long enough!" Rachel shouted in happiness as Pidge gaped while Hunk sneezed; Mrs.McClain clutched her chest as she placed a hand on her head with a huge grin on her lips.

"Wait. What?!" Lance questioned as Rachel raised an eyebrow at them as Lance looked into her eyes before catching on to what she was implying. "Oh... Oh! Yeah... we're not official still..."

"W-we're considering..." Keith smiled weakly as he looked up at Lance who stared back down at him. "We do love each other though... H-he never asked me o-out."

"So, everything I saw was because Keith started it first? Does he do everything in the relationship!? I thought you had balls, man!" Rachel pouted as Lance shook his head before resting it on Keith's.

"Oh he does." Keith snickered as everyone in the room froze as Lance blushed heavily as Keith gave a pat to his chest while biting his lip. "And what he's packing is an even bigger shock."

"K-Keith!" Lance shrieked as Keith giggled before standing on his shaking legs, trying to balance out.

"What? They were gonna find out anyways. Besides, I have to shower or else it will dry and that's the last thing I need right now." Keith sighed as he took some steps towards the stairs. "S-shit... Lance... You actually destroyed my legs."

"But you did all the work!" Lance shouted back as Keith slowly walked up the stairs with a content smile.

"So you two... fucked?" Pidge mumbled as everyone turned towards her as she looked at her hands before pointing at Lance. "You topped! I-I lost?!"

"Pay up, Katie." Hunk smiled as he held his hand out. Lance cleared his throat as he lifted a finger with a small smile.

"If we want to be technical... Keith... rode me... So, he topped? A power bottom..." Lance coughed as Pidge beamed before telling Hunk to suck it.

"You should be telling that to Keith." Rachel joined as Keith yelped from the bathroom upstairs as Lance covered his face with his palms. "Too soon?"

"Very!" Their collective voices shouted as everyone laughed at the clearing atmosphere.


After a quick shower and a clothes change, Keith rubbed his lower back as he walked down the stairs to see everyone gathered around someone in the center of the crowd, excited. "What's going on?"

"Keith! I heard there was an emergency and I had to see if it had to do with the vision we saw in the abyss... That foul man and woman..." Krolia sighed as Keith bit his lip and gave a small nod. "I... I absolutely regret leaving you here. I should have taken you. But Nathan didn't want you raised in a war field..."

"M-Krolia, it's fine. You didn't know and I didn't share. Hell, they all didn't know until I panicked on the ship a few days ago." Keith chuckled as he held her hands while squeezing them. "It's not your fault. You had more important things to do and you left to protect us."

"Also I was told to let you turn around?" Krolia questioned as she glanced at the person behind Keith while he tilted his head in confusion. Everyone gave him a smile as Pidge slowly pulled out her phone. "Just trust them."

Turning his body, Keith froze as his eyes widened to see Lance on one knee with a black box in his hand and a nervous smile. "S-surprise?"

"W-What is this?" Keith narrowed his eyes as he knelt with Lance as he placed his hands on the box in the other boy's hand.

"Keith... don't say anything. Just... listen." Lance smiled as he gripped Keith's hands with his own while caressing his knuckles. "I love you..."

"I love you too... Now what is this?" Keith questioned as Hunk smacked his own face while Shiro chuckled off to the side.

"Do you really-?" Lance gaped at Keith as the Korean still looked as lost as a puppy in a mall. "Seriously?"

"Seriously what?"

"You really don't know what a proposal looks like?" Lance squinted his eyes as Keith's face bloomed brightly as he fell back onto his rear with a bright smile, tears streaming down his face. "Keith! Are you alright?"

"Y-you're what?!" He breathed as Lance smiled as he opened the box to reveal a silver band with the word Promise on it.

"Well, it's not really a marriage proposal. Just a promise ring. My way of promising to make and keep you happy. As your boyfriend, of course." Lance smiled brightly as Keith sat back on his knees.

Glancing around the room, Keith grabbed the box before taking the ring out and sliding it onto his hand without a word. "I... I'm hoping you keep this promise..."

"I don't plan on ever breaking it." Lance sniffles as he opened his arms for Keith to hug him, which is exactly what happened as everyone cooed in adoration.


Shorter than last chapter. But just as satisfying to write.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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