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Third Person

"Therefore, we wish that all of you contribute to this war. Use your ideas and talents to tilt this gruesome event in our favor." Shiro ended the three hour long lecture to the school before questioning the audience. "Any questions from any of you?"

"Should Akira be fighting?" A random girl asked as everyone began to whisper lowly before Keith gained their attention.

"Without my leadership, Voltron doesn't stand a chance as Shiro will be captain of the Atlas. If this is about the other day or more specifically, my court case, I will be fine. I have my team with me." Keith smiled as he looked at the group on stage with him. "Any other questions?"

"Who's top and bottom?" A random student shouted as everyone began to laugh in hysteria.

"I'll proudly admit that... you don't need to know about my sex life. You all are perverted and immature. Which is why only specially permitted students will be able to fly drones from the main base." Keith smirked as Iverson stood forward with five remotes in color coordination with each of the Paladins.

Without another second to spare, the doors to the auditorium opened with a creak as a man stalked through the isles with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Kiki? Is that really you?" A voice shouted over the students as they grew silent and turned towards the door as a blonde man dressed in a tuxedo walked down the aisle. "You're alive?"

"Nope. I'm not dealing with you." Keith pinched his nose as he rolled his eyes. "Out. I'm this close to karate chopping your dick off."

"Kiki, you don't mean that. You just up and left." The guy smiled as he walked onto the stage and opened his arms for Keith. "Come here. You know that you missed me."

"If you don't fucking get off this stage-?!" Keith bit his bottom lip as Pidge gave a look to the mystery man and back to the Korean.

"Who is he, Keith...?" She asked slowly as she shared a look with Hunk as Keith looked away from everyone.

"I thought it was a joke when you didn't tell the court about me. Guess it's true since your team doesn't even know." The man chuckled as Keith pulled out his bayard with a snarl.

"Why would I mention a manipulative bastard who serves no purpose in my life?" Keith smiled with confidence as he crossed his arms before flipping the guy off. "Now leave."

"Who are you?" Lance asked the man smirks before shaking Lance's hand with a forced smile.

"Erin Grandchester the Second. Kiki's ex-boyfriend, apparently." Erin backs up as Lance now glared at him.

"Lance McClain. And he goes by Akira or Keith, not Kiki." Lance squinted as Keith sighed in relief. "Keith, why didn't you tell us about this guy?"

"He didn't really do much but emotionally manipulate me after I briefly told him I was abused. Then he tried to give me private therapy sessions which turned weird. So I ran away." Keith explained before glaring at the blonde again. "Then the asshole tries to get my motorcycle repossessed and my house was almost demolished because he wanted to tear it down to make a water park in that exact spot. Even after I told him it was my childhood home."

"Ok. Now you need to leave. We can't have jerks associated with our team. We actually care for people here. So go suck on goat balls." Hunk waved as Pidge summoned her bayard with a grin as Hunk placed a hand on her shoulder. "Give you three seconds. But the way, it doubles as a stun whip."

Erin raises his hands slowly as he looks over the team before his eyes stop on Shiro as he waves. "Shishi! You must remember me. I sang Keith to sleep that one night that you were working late?"

"Sorry. You're nothing but a distant memory. Get off the stage and out of the building, Grandchester." Shiro sneered as the entire building began to shout and boo him out of the school; teachers stepping forward as he rolled his eyes before walking off the stage, flipping everyone off.

Keith took a deep breath as Lance placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling brightly at his boyfriend. "How about we continue with the meeting?"


Walking along the road after a long day of speaking with students and teachers, Voltron sighed as they stretched their arms and made their way back to where their castle was perched.

"Is everything taken care of here? Are we sure that we're fine to go back to space?" Allura questioned as everyone turned to look at Keith who smiled shyly. "Anything else that we're missing?"

"Nope. I've visited Father's grave with Krolia, took those two to court, got rid of my bastard ex... I've got a boyfriend, which was unexpected." He shoulder bumped Lance as they chuckled before Keith sighed in content. "Everything's solid on my end."

Lance wrapped an arm around Keith as he looked up to the sky while squinting his eyes. "We should probably hurry and get off of Earth as well. The Galra might be able to track us down using those little bugs."

Allura smacked her forehead as she began to run ahead; Coran, Hunk and Pidge following behind in a panic. Shiro laughed as he watched them trip over their feet before turning to the couple with a smile.

"You two make a great couple. I trust this won't get in the-?" Shiro began to ask as Keith cut him off by snapping his fingers.

"-Work, civil duties, training, the war. We'll be fine. We're stronger together anyways." Keith places a kiss on Lance's cheek as the Cuban's face bloomed red. "See?"

Shiro nods before sprinting behind the other four who began shouting out reasons they wouldn't have noticed any trackers.



"Is it too soon to ask you to marry me?"

"We just started dating...?"

"But if I did ask right now?"

"... Yes."


"I would say... yes."

"So... will you marry me?" He pulled out a silver box, revealing a small golden band as Keith turned his head to look at him in shock.

"I already told you my answer."

"Tell me again, for good luck." Lance smirked as Keith's face bloomed red in embarrassment.

"Yes, I will marry you..." Keith mumbled as Lance kiss his temple before slipping the ring onto the pale boy's finger; grabbing his hand and pulling him foreword.

"Let's catch up!" He smiled brightly as Keith stared back in awe before nodding with determination and rushing after him.


Yep. This story is coming to an end.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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