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Third Person

Sitting in the castle, Keith sat in Lance's lap as he slowly read Sufferance; only making it to the first ten pages before the team made their way over.

"That was the worst check up in the history of check ups!" Hunk huffed as he flopped on the couch, stomach first; Pidge following behind as they both sighed.

"Is the castle safe?" Keith asked as he closes the book, leaning back into Lance's warmth as Allura glared at Lance, pouting softly.

"The castle's up and running. Why would you scare us like that Lance? I though we could trust you." She dramatically cried as she joined the small pile on the floor, causing Hunk to wheeze.

"I had my reasons." The Cuban smirked as he looked at Keith who turned his head, away from the younger.

"Which were? We don't keep secrets from each other. So spill!" Pidge squirmed from between the two people as Shiro flopped on the couch, next to the couple who looked at each other.

Keith held up his left hand, showing off his bands as everyone looked at it in confusion.

"Your ring? What about it?" Hunk questioned as Lance snickered before pointing at the second one.

"There are two now." Keith spoke as he took off the second one and held it up for the group to stare at.

"Is it another promise ring?" Coran asked as Pidge's eyes gleamed as Shiro perked up, realizing the meaning as well.

"Lance! You sly motherfucker!" She shouted as she shoved Allura off of her before scrambling over to them.

"Pidge, Language!"

"Italian. Lance, you proposed?!" She shouted as she jumped onto the two as Keith slipped the ring back on; chuckling as everyone else stared at the two in shock.

"Isn't it too early in the relationship? You guys just started to date." Hunk tilted his head in confusion as Lance waved them off as he hugged Keith from behind.

"We're in war. Sure it's almost over, but we can't take any chances. So why not? We may be young and this might be stupid, but we both want it." Keith smiled as he curled up further in his fiancé's arms.

"If this is what you want, we won't interfere. You both deserve happiness and who are we to take this away from you." Allura smiled brightly, nodding her head. "You're absolutely adorable together. I wonder if you can have kids..."

"Allura! You're moving too fast for us." Lance scoffed playfully as Keith nodded as Lance covered his ears, quickly. "Pretty sure Keith is a furry woman."

"Hey! I'm a man!" Keith shouted as he punched Lance, earning a loud whine. "Anyways, I'm not sure what Galras can do for kids. But adoption is definitely too early."

"Agreed. Let's focus on getting back out there and ending this war." Shiro smiled as he stuck his hand out. "Who's with me?"

A smaller hand. "I'm in!"

A large hand. "Absolutely!"

A fine skinned hand. "Since the beginning, my boy!"

A dark skinned hand. "Of course!"

Everyone looked towards the couple on the couch as Lance smiled and added his hand to the pile before looking down to his fiancé. "Keith?"

"Let's go kick some Galran ass!"



Narrator Perspective

As you can see the truth behind the door. The closet is open for all to see now. A broken boy who had his childhood shattered and snapped before it could even begin can now begin a new chapter. A better chapter as the one before closes ever so slightly.

Is this the end or a new beginning? Only time can tell for it is determination that decides the final blow.

So farewell, Team Voltron. This is not your last journey for it has only... BEGUN.


THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed and don't worry~... Hopefully there's a sequel in the future. We just have to wait!

~Shadow Closes Another Book!🌑

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