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Third Person

Walking through the Garrison, Voltron smiles brightly as students cheered and teachers gave nods to the returning people. "Kogane! Glad to have you back!"

"Ah! Thanks... Good to be back?" Keith responded hesitantly as he gave a look to Lance, who gave a nod in confirmation.

"So! Do you guys plan on joining any classes or...? Your purpose doesn't really make sense know that you were all supposed to graduate last year..." A teacher asked as he gave them all a look.

"We can all teach what we know. We've been pilots for the past two years. It's the least we can do to give back. It could also take our minds over the stress of partaking in a war. Maybe share our experiences?" Shiro chimed as the teacher gave a nod before staring at Shiro with wide eyes.

"Shirogane... Glad to see that you're still healthy. I was told that you... passed away due to your issue."

"I was cured. Miracles happened." Shiro squinted as he moved the team forward. "Let's go team. Meet up with your minor classes and then we can ask for a school meeting to address our cause."

"Will do. Meet up in an hour." Coran gave a nod as he followed behind Hunk while Allura decided to trail Shiro.

"So... Keithy... What's your minor?" Lance questioned as Keith began to walk away from true group before turning to his boyfriend.

"You can come if you want to. I think it's better if I show you rather than try to explain." Keith smiled brightly as he grabbed Lance's arm before dragging him off.


A large room covered in splats of red, green, blue, black and white paint was opened as a short and slightly chubby woman organized vases and papers with a grin. Humming to herself, she danced and hummed as she glides gracefully around the room.

"Mrs.Q..." Keith smiled as Lance glanced around the room in awe while his boyfriend greeted the woman who dropped her feather duster.

Covering her mouth, she jumped in joy as she wrapped her arms around the Korean with tears in her eyes. "My little prodigy! You're alive! I was considering auctioning off your beautiful pieces. And your writing! I've kept them and put them in a book of your own. At your memorial service, we played the video of you dancing and singing so beautifully-!"

"You minored in the Arts!" Lance shouted as he pointed at a few pictures and medals with the name Kogane engraved on them with wide eyes.

"I thought that seemed obvious. I did read one book for the past two years and mentioned writing my own song." Keith deadpanned as he continued to hug the woman. "Anita. You can keep my things. Sell them for the program if needed. I just came to speak to your students about my time."

"Oh! We have a few students that are dying to meet you! I've spoke about you nonstop to them that it's getting kind off annoying." The woman clapped happily as she looked out the door to see her students appearing. "Oh! Speaking of which, class is starting! Come, come! Sit at my desk! Both of you!"

"This is Lance McClain, my boyfriend." Keith smiled as the woman's eyes seemed to get brighter with a laugh.

"McClain! I've heard so much about you from Iverson! He thought you had so much potential! Didn't want you to end up like Mr.Grumpster over here." Anita chuckled as Keith's face turned red before voices filled the room.

"Mrs.Q! We've all completed our work for the class project. I currently have the poster at my dorm and will bring it after school." A specific student spoke as Anita gave a nod to her.

"Thank you, Hurston. I have two very special guests today! You all should know Keith and Lance from Voltron." Anita smiled as she placed a hand on their shoulders. "You all will stand one by one and introduce yourselves."

"Nina Hurston. Class representative." The same student from before dusted off her skirt before taking a seat.

"Trystan Karen."

"Morgan Jules."

"Juliet Wilkins."

"Indigo Waters."

"Opal Fieres."

Students went around as the two gave a nod before Indigo raised her hand with a small, flirtatious smile. "So! Are you two single?"

"Dee, knock it off!" Juliet shoved her with her shoulder as the girl shrugged before smiling at the two, now uncomfortable teens.

"Um... Actually. We're together." Lance spoke up for the two of them as he grabbed Keith's hand and kissed it, causing Keith's face to brighten up.

"So you're fags?"

"Julian! That is inappropriate!" Anita hissed as said boy rolled his eyes before pointing at the two of them.

"We have two twinks that save the universe. Just like Mr.Shirogane. Fun." He spat as he sat forward in his seat with a glint in his eye. "Let me guess: Paleosaur gets fucked by Mr.Hispanic?"

"Get our or else I will make you-!" Nina began as Keith raised a hand to catch everyone's attention, including fuming Lance and Anita.

"No. It's fine. Maybe you haven't watched the news since your brain seems to be smaller than everyone else's here." Keith began with a fiery glare in his orbs. "Or maybe I've chose the wrong name to be called by. My name's Akira. You've all heard of Akira, correct?"

Nods and mumbles filled the room as Julian's face visibly paled as Keith smirked at the child before he slowly took steps towards him. "Y-you're not him..."

"Oh? Same last name? My pictures are all over news outlets. What's my story? Where was I yesterday? A courthouse taking on two of my rapists, getting the justice that I know I deserved. So who's to care what I sexually identify as. I'm just lucky to actually have a sexual anything." Keith sat on the desk as he stared at this kid with lidded eyes. "My Mother is waiting outside this classroom, with our leader; waiting to crack a sword at any of your heads. One little call and they walk in. You don't want it to be you."

"Are... are you flirting with me?! In front of your boyfriend?" Julian glanced at the man sitting in front of him as Keith chuckled before standing up from the table and planting his hands on the desk.

"You're disgusting. Never will I flirt with a nasty child or child in general. Especially one that disrespects people who can turn them into pilots. So congrats. Your chances are significantly decreased." Keith laughed as he snapped his fingers, causing Krolia and Kolivan to enter the room. "Oh! You actually were... who called you?"

"Shiro wanted us to take a look around this facility. We weren't expecting you to be in here. Hello children. I see you take after my son." She smiled with her fangs as Julian visibly sank into his seat. "Hope we didn't interrupt anything."

"Perfect timing." Lance mumbled as Keith winked at him before moving towards the door. "Well! That was fun, but we have to go. Good luck with these kids, Anita!"


I warned in the description that there would be discrimination. Here it is!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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