Alright this is a rant upon request. So ima get started!
Lets see... Stereotypes... Well With stereotypes there are offensive ones and then there are the ones that people take as jokes and are funny but when you get offensive about it then that is wrong and you're kinda being an asshole when you do that.
Like Americans are fat!... umm well I can see why some other countries would think that but There are plenty of skinny people and healthy people. And all countries have fat people so dont try and get dirty on America! Even though we are one of the fattest countries in the world Its insulting to people like me! I aint fat. Im actually too skinny and want to gain weight but i can eat a whole turkey and weigh the same thing tomorrow. Its bullshit!
Ok other stereotypes.... Ok this one is kinda funny but has no facts backing it up. Asians have small dicks. Ok get the laughs out of your system... You done? Ok. Yeah this isnt true. Asians can have big penises. Everyone can have a big penis. How did this stereotype even start? I dont get it. Then again I have never seen an Asian penis and i dont want to.
Blondes are dumb. Well this one is obviously a fucking lie. My gf is blonde and she is pretty damn smart! I have smart blonde friends! Now there are always dumb people but hair color has nothing to do with it.
Gingers have no souls. Yeaaaaaaaah everyone has a soul. EVERYONE. Even evil people like Hitler. Except Hitler is in hell because he was bad. Unless you dont believe in an afterlife or a god then you shouldnt say that a person doesnt have a soul. Even if you're atheist you shouldnt say it because its just fucking rude. Even if they are atheist. Saying they dont have a soul is like saying they are a terrible person. So think before you speak.
Gays are girly. This one is another FUCKING LIE because i have met plenty of manly homosexuals. The only reason people think gays are girly is the stereotypical gay voice WHICH NO ONE SHOULD HAVE! I mean how do people get that "gay accent" ! Nobody speaks like that so how do people end up speaking like that! Everyone knows how people get accents. Get exposed as a child or for a long period of time and then you will start to speak with a similar tone. But who the fuck came up with the gay voice! Did a gay child have a mother who was talking like " OH MY GAWD no waaaaay" and then the boy spoke like that? actually I can see that happening but still! Back to what i was saying. Most homosexuals dont talk like that and plenty are manly.
Lesbians have short hair and try to look like men. Ok now im not sure if this stereotype is just for lesbians or is also sexist but yeah lesbians rarely in real life actually try to look like guys. Guys should know this better than anyone. At one point I believe that 50% of guys have tried to ask out a girl and it turns out she is lesbian. A lot of times they can be lying just to get you to go away or to get attention but yano. Being lesbian is a sexual preference it does not define how you look or act. Well for the acting part i guess it kinda affects how you act towards the sexes but yano.
Ok now this is a stereotype someone said to me that I found funny because Im Italian and its an Italian stereotype
"Yo Dred wheres your mafia?" *chuckles* Yeah I dont have a mafia. But if you support these stereotypes I will bring a mafia to your house ya here me?!?!?
Lets see another Italian stereotype. "Everybody owes me money" Well thats true! everybody does owe me money! So wheres my money pal!?
Alright now that I got silly with ya for a minute its time to get back to seriousness.
Women belong in the kitchen. No they dont. And the guy who came up with this is probably starving to death because he cant figure out how to make himself something to eat and there is no woman taking care of him because hes fucking sexist!
Men think with their dicks. Ok well to an extent this is true. But for me i prefer to use my head first. "but Dred which head are you talking about? *winks*"
did you seriously make that joke? *laughs* Yeah the head that has a brain!
Well that was my rant i hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment below with an idea for a new rant or your opinion on this rant. Your opinion wont change mine but will be interesting to read. I am Dred and I will see you in the next rant!