Hey everybody have you ever been in a classroom and thought to yourself "god boners are annoying" and then you see that girl/guy (whatever turns you on) and you just get a boner and you have to try and conceal it? Most people dont know the struggle of what it takes to hide a boner! When a guy gets a boner you should take it as a compliment because this male find you attractive and wants you to be his mate.
Have you ever seen a girl sit in a guys lap at school? Do you know whats happening most of the time? A straight male 85% of the time cannot help but get turned on by this. If he does not have a boner he is either torturing his mind by thinking of things to turn himself off, or he is not attracted to females. If he does have a boner well what is he to do? The best way to hide a boner is actually PAINFUL. Unless well the guys boner is small then he doesnt have much to worry about cause its not that noticeable. But usually it is. The best way of hiding it is tucking it under your leg but to get a boner to do that hurts like your arm is about to snap in two except its your dick!
Its a different story if the girl notices but enjoys it but thats a different story.
Usually the girl either will smack the guy in the face or just leave. The leaving reaction depends on the girl.
Plus boners for an average guy who has ANY shame its embarrassing when people notice your erection.
Ok so im done with this rant. It kinda has some points to it but is mainly just randomness and such. I hope you liked it. Leave a comment below with your opinion on the rant and your thoughts on BONERS. Your opinion wont change mine but... I dont even know for this rant! Just leave a damn comment! I am DRED and I will see you in the next Fucking rant! ByeBye!