The movie "Unfriended"

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Hey everybody It's Dred here with another rant! not sure if you are sick of them or cant wait for another but here it is! So lets get started!

Ok so the movie unfriended. I'm not ranting about the movie itself but rather the way the movie looks at the situation. Girl goes to party and her actions are posted online where what happened will never be forgotten and then she kills herself over it because she couldn't live with everyone knowing what a SLUT she was being. Then she comes back as a spirit and logs into her skype account and kills everyone in the group chat 1 by one to find out who posted the video.

You see as rude as it would be to post a video of someone that is embarrassing I blame the girl who killed herself. Want to know why? Because she shouldn't have been doing that shit in the first place!

Getting drunk, getting half naked, showing everyone what a slut you are being. People are going to assume that if you are doing this in front of a bunch of people then you wouldn't mind millions of people having access to what you did that night.

Be a slut in the privacy of your own HOME! Not in front of a bunch of people that you don't want to judge you but you are letting them do so by showing them all the shit you are doing.

I am not saying the person who posted the video is innocent. Im saying that the girl in the video is just as guilty as the person posting it.

Bullying is WRONG. But if you are at a party and you are doing something that interests other people then EXPECT THAT SOMEONE HAS A PHONE and wants to video it. If you are on video then act like a respectable human being. If you act like a drunk slut then people treat you like that.

I want to be treated as a respected being. How do I get people to do this? I show them how respectable I am.

Don't record your friends doing something that could ruin their lives in the future. The internet is forever. Whatever is posted on it cannot truly be deleted. someone with the resources look through files and documents and find whatever it is about you that have been posted. Government can find anything you have ever done if it has been posted on the internet.

And when in public. Dont do something you would regret someone seeing. Alright? Life lessons right here They are free and worth your time come and get your lessons folks.

Well that was my rant, hope you liked it. Leave a comment below with your opinion or similar experience. Your opinion will not change mine but will be interesting to read. I am Dred and I will see you in the next rant!

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