6 :)

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billie was stood there, surrounded by loads of presents. i couldn't belive it. there goes my plans for bed. i was still stood there in shock when billie walked over to me. "hey are you okay mamas?" she seemed really concerned, wait where did mamas come from? is it a new nickname or something? maybe she calls everyone mamas. "mamas? are you okay? let's get you sat down," billie asked again. i forgot she had even asked me as i got lost in my thoughts. "yeah i'm okay sorry i got distracted this is a lot" i chuckled after being sat down. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to spook you, i didn't really thi-" " no it's okay i just wasn't expecting anything" i cut her off. she started to relax again which weirdly relaxed me. ameila saw billie and glared at her, "i'm going to taco bell" she spat. i geuss she's still mad about that stupid photo. "she just mad over the photo you posted of her sleeping. she says she looked a mess but i keep telling her it wasn't that bad, i mean atleast she didn't have iv poles around her" i reassured billie. "sorry i didn't realise it would upset her that much i mean i thought you both looked cute so that's why i posted it, i didn't mean to upset you guys" she sounded very apologetic. wait did billie eilish just call me cute. "no it's okay she's just sour about it. she'll get over it soon" i laughed, billie relaxed again. she looked really cute right now, she had these cute ass space buns in her black hair that she had recently dyed. no tana stop, she's straight. "are you sure you're okay mamas? i can go home and come back when ever you feel better if you want?" i immediately blushed because i had zoned out whilst staring at billie. i looked down and my hands and fidgeted with the one ring on my hand "uh n-no i-it's okay sorry i think i'm still high off the drugs at the hospital" i replied still glaring at my rings. billie put her hand on my chin so i had to look at her "you promise you're feeling okay?" she asked me again staring into my eyes " y-yeah i'm fine i promise you can't stay if you want" i replied breaking the intense eye contact. why the fuck was i a stuttering mess it isn't like me at all. i hate this so much. i rubbed my head and glanced down at my ring again. "if you are sure then i'll stay for a bit, now you can open all of you presents!" she gleamed, i felt really bad about all of this. "there is no way am i accepting these presents, there's way too many and i don't need them i promise," i smiles at billie. her face dropped but a smirk quickly appeared on her face which made me nervous and blush. "now you know there is no way am i taking these home with me now, you and me both know that right? you might aswell just open them now" she said kinda flirtatious, she was mind fucking me so bad. if only it wasn't my brain. tana stop this now you barely know her. "fine." i sighed as she squealed in excitement. 

after we opened all the presents i was still in shock from how much there was. it all look really expensive and i was taken back. there was two gucci jackets, two gucci track suits, three pairs of nike jordans, a nike tracksuit, a louis vuitton blanket and a bunch of chunky chains and rings. "you didn't ne-" "'you're right but i wanted to" billie smirked as she inturpted me, damn this girl is killing me. "this is all way too much, it's all really expensive and i can't accept it, please take it all with you because i can't keep it i feel too bad" i said sighing. okay yes i wanted to keep it all but i would feel to guilty. "no one ever tells me what to do. ever. you are keeping these. i don't care if i have to run and put them in your room myself" billie smirked at me. god she looked so hot right now. tana stop. her phone started to ring and distracted me from my thoughts. "oh shit i have to take this i'm sorry," she slipped away into the kitchen. i decided i would try on the gucci tracksuit, it's the same one shane and jeffree have which made me eager to try it on. i grabbed it and slipped into my bedroom and quickly got changed. well as quickly as i could with still having limited movements. my phone went off so i checked it, it was from ameila.

ameila: hey so i'm sorry i forgot to tell you but i had to go to my house earlier. i'll be back later to look after. if you need anything just call me and i'll be right over xx

me: it's okay don't worry about coming back i'll be okay for tonight i have oreo with me i'll be fine i promise love you xx

ameila: if you are sure then okay. i'll only a phone call away love you too xx

i shut my phone off and finished getting changed. as i walked back into the living room oreo was still on the sofa where i had left him. "that looks so amazing on you wow" i jumped and then fell to the floor as i knocked my wound. "oh my god i didn't mean to scare you i'm so sorry mamas" billie rushed over and helped me up. luckily i didn't pull a stitch. "it's okay don't worry about it" i smiled at her, she helped me onto the sofa and put nextflix on.

a/n i feel like this is really slow but again i've never done anything like this before lmao

mamas you saved me - billie eilish fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now