12 :)

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billies pov:

i just kissed tana infront of finneas and then he grabbed her from me. we are in the car on the way to the hospital. i know we are because the road we are on takes us straight to the hospital. i feel bad for finneas as he just had to watch me kiss someone and then take them to the hospital. i'm sure he just wanted to know i was okay and go to bed.

~time skip 2 hours~

tanas pov:

i don't know why i'm in hospital again. shit sucks here, i mean i'm due back for stitch cleaning tomorrow but i'm gonna ask them to do it tonight. i'm really annoyed i'm in hospital because one moment i was kissing billie the next i'm in the back of finneas' car being rushed to hospital. i don't even know what's wrong with me i feel fine. i wish people would stop worrying about me i'm fine. after a while the panic attacks stop billie didn't need to stay the night. i'm literally just making a fuss for everyone. finneas probably has way better things to do rather than sit in this fucking hospital room with me. "i'm fine fuck sake just clean my stitches and take me home," i grumble. billie just looks at me and sighs; i wanna know what's in her brain. like what's going that's causing her to think.

billies pov:

tana doesn't wanna be here. i don't know why finn brought her here to be honest. finn said it was something like she was slipping in and out of consciousness but you couldn't tell her eyes were closed. whatever we are here now and she's gonna have her stitches cleaned now and then we can leave. i just wanna be at tanas watching a funny movie with her laughing eating takis. i could fuck with a bag of takis right now. oh my god i need takis and more burritos. i wanna put takis in a burrito, i'll call it a takito. i'm so clever. oh ffs i just made myself hungry. wow i need to stop thinking about food. man i could eat food whenever where ever just make sure i like it. i really want food anything. everything smells so fucking good right now. "billie are you okay?" tana asks me "yeah i could go for a takito right now oh my god" i practically moaned at the thought of it. "a what," she laughed, her giggle is so cute oh my god. i really wanna have something with tana. i want her to be mine. i don't like the thought of anyone else having her. i want her lips to kiss whenever. i want her hugs all the time. "earth to billie" tana chuckled, "oh uh a takito is a burrito with takis in it. i just made it up." laughing with her now.

~time skip back to tanas~

finneas hasn't said much since we took tana to the hospital and it scares me. i hope i didn't freak him out by kissing tana. i love my brother and i don't want things to be awkward with him. tana was in bed already tired from all the crying and being dragged to the hospital. finneas was about to leave when i grabbed his arm. "i'm sorry" i cried into his chest. "sorry for what billie?" he asked confused, "i'm sorry i kissed tana infront of you, i'm sorry i made it awkward, i'm sorry i called you over and i'm sorry fo-" "billie thats enough, you don't have to be sorry for anything. i love you no matter what, i don't care about who you love as long as they don't hurt you, you didn't make it awkward i was just thinking about everything that's happened in the last few days i mean i almost lost you billie and i would never forgive myself if you did die. and as for you calling me over i'm happy you did because i missed seeing you around the house since you are always with tana now" he pulled me in closer to his chest. "you are the best brother in the world i love you"

~time skip~

finneas just left so i crawled into bed with tana making sure she was okay. i need to find a way to ask her out. i don't wanna be all cringey like i'm in some middle school moovie and it's just awkward. i also don't want to go all out with rose petals and shit because i don't want to scare her. i think i might just slip it into conversation tomorrow. i'm just watching her sleep, her little chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. just watching her sleep made me realise how much i love her. i grab my notebook and write down some lyrics that popped into my head:

we fall apart as it gets dark
i'm in your arms in central park
there's nothing you can do or say
i can't escape the way i love you
i don't want to, but i love you, ooh

i set my notebook down and fall asleep thinking about tana

a/n sorry this took me SOOOO long to update i'm just more focused on my other book. it moves a lot quicker and i prefer it over this one. please go check it out i love you all. it's called her btw 💖

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