11 :)

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⚠️ mentions of self harm ⚠️

i got up out of the hug to go get my phone, i had 8 missed calls from finneas and 3 from brandon and 1 from my mum. finneas had also text me 10 times.

big bro: hey billie are you okay?
big bro: brandon wants to talk to you again
big bro: billie please come back
big bro: i'll be at home waiting for you please get here soon
big bro: stop ignoring me please billie
big bro: billie are you okay?
big bro: get back to me as soon as you get this i'm worried about you
big bro: billie seriously this isn't funny
big bro: mums worried about you, you just disspaeard
big bro: i love you

a tear slipped out my eye, i forgot all about finneas and my mum. i quickly called him back. "omg billie are you okay where are you we have all been so worried i love you" he blurted out quickly "i'm okay i'm sorry it at tanas i came back to her earlier and she was on the floor having a panic attack. i calmed her down and i-" i stooped myself from saying anymore because i wanted to tell finneas to his face about everything else "acctually bro could you just come here, bring me a few outfits and my toothbrush i wanna talk to you in person alots happened, i'll send you tanas address" "okay bil i love you i'll be there in 20" "love you too" i hung up and rushed back to tana. "hey so finneas is gonna come round quickly, i needed some clothes and i need to talk to him about the meeting this morning, when he gets here i'll just be our the front so if you need me just shout angel" she just hummed as i slipped back into our cuddle and kissed her forhead.

~time skip to finneas being here~

we were sat out the front, i hugged finneas not wanting to let go. "i'm sorry finneas, i didn't mean to make you worried i love you," i whispered in between the sobs. "it's okay billie i love you too, just tell me what's on your mind," he asked in a soft voice. i can tell him anything, he's the best brother in the world. "okay when i got back from the meeting, i rushed into tanas living room, she was on the floor crying and shaking, i kept calling her name trying to let her know she'll be okay." i took a deep breath in before continuing "she finally calmed down and i- well i almost called her baby and she heard, she started to ask me
about it and i pretended i didn't say anything"  i leaned in to finneas hug deeper "she left me in the living room and started to c-cut her a-arms a-and i-it was all m-my f-fault f-finn" i managed to get out in between sobs. he just hugged me tighter. "she thought we weren't friends and that i thought she was just some annoying fan getting in the way of my life and i-" i stopped myself. finneas knows i'm bi-sexual but i don't know if i could tell him. " you what" he said softly reassuring me. of course i could tell him. "i- i kissed her" i blurted our quicky hoping he maybe didn't hear it. "you kissed her?" her questioned still hugging me. i just nodded into his chest. we sat like this for five minutes before i heard tana scream.  i jumped off finn and rushed into the house to check on her finn behind me. she was having another panic attack. this time was really bad though. i tried talking to her to calm her down but it wasn't working. i didn't want to kiss her infront of fin because it was weird but it wasn't looking like i had much of a choice. i grabbed her face and kissed her.

finneas pov:

billie just kissed tana. i know she told me they had kissed already but it was weird seeing it. i mean i don't care who she dates or who she kisses but it's just weird seeing my sister kiss someone in general. i'm still worried for tana because even though after the kiss her breathing slowed down a little she still was panicking. i grabbed her out of billies arms with out any warning and rushed her to my car. she looked like she was going in and out of consciousness although i couldn't tell because she had been crying with her eyes closed this whole time. i put her in the car and strap her in waiting for billie to follow me. billie knew something was wrong as we rushed to the hospital.

mamas you saved me - billie eilish fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now