7 :)

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i rubbed my eyes as i woke up, i geuss i fell asleep watching that movie. i looked down as i felt some pressure on my belly, i look down to see a sleeping angel resting her head on me. holy shit she's cute. wait tana what no she's straight. S-T-R-A-G-H-T. i glanced back down at billie, she looks so peaceful it's amazing. i grabbed my phone from that arm on the sofa
to check the time. shit it was 11am, did me
and billie really sleep that long. i mean it has to have been the best sleep i've has in ages.

billies pov.

i woke up and smiled. i had fallen asleep with tana whilst watching the movie. i realised my head was on tana stomache so i quick sat up because i didn't want to be hurting someone so fucking cute. wait what i did i just think. no billie you're straight don't be stupid.  "are you okay billie?" tana asked me looking concerned. she's even cuter when she concerned. fuck billie you need to stop this now. she probably does even like you back. wait what i don't like her. i mean she's cu- "billie? are you okay? like seriously"  " i umm y-yeah i'm g-good just didn't want to be hurting you at-"  i responses realising i didn't reply last time. why the fuck was i stuttering. i never stutter. what the fuck is wrong with me. "oh you weren't hurting me don't worry about it," she smiled. i grabbed my phone and checked instagram. i went to like a few of my fans post when i saw it. what the fuck. i was being tagged over and over again in a photo of my sleeping on tanas sofa with her. who the fuck took this. fucking ameila. "hey billie you look upset are you sure you're good" tana asked me softly. "yeah just of checked your tagged posts if i were you" i replied fiddling and my rings. "AMEILA HAZEL GRAZE LANCASTER GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW" tana screamed at the top of her lungs. it caught me of guard, it was hella hot tho. billie fucking stop this shit now.

tanas pov:

ameila came down the stairs with a smirk on her face. she knew what the fuck i was gonna say. "yes tana marie mongeau" she said acting stupid. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU POST THAT OMG YOU DO REALISE WHAT IT COULD DO TO BILLIE OR HE-"  i got cut off by billie "it won't do anything to my career don't worry about it mamas," she smiled softly and grinned at ameila "plus we look cute af in it so i'm not really worried" ameila glared at billie. she was going to say something but stopped her self. "go ahead and say what you were gonna say" i spat at her still pissed, that's now two photos of my sleeping and looking fucking weird out for everyone to see. "i- umm n-nothing umm i have to like go out and umm get some food in" she was a right fucking mess. she went to leave as i grabbed her arm and stood up to match her. i stared at her into her eyes. they were full of fear. "what were you going to say" i smirk knows she's scared to fuck. "i um was going to like um shout at billie because like my photos was suppose to like um piss her off i geuss and clearly um that didn't work" ameila looked defeated but was a mess.
"yeah i geuss it didn't" i smirk and let her go. she scuttled off i'm geussing to the shop.

billies pov:

i was watching tana shout at ameila. fuck it was hot. like holy shit i wanna get on her bad side and see what she does to me. wait billie you need to fucking stop. she doesn't like you. you don't like her. you're straight.  my phone started to ring distracting me from my thoughts. it's was my manger brandon. fuck sake what does he want now.  "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING GOING ROUND TO A RANDOM ASS FANS HOUSE AND NOT TELLING ANYONE. ONLY THEN TO HAVE A PICTURE CIRCULATE OF YOU SLEEPING ON HER. BILLIE DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW BAD THIS LOOKS. I CANT BEL-" i ended the call. i didn't want to deal with his bullshit. she wasnt a random ass fan, she's tana marie mongeau, as i just learnt, she saved my life. how am i supposed to stop a photo going round if i'm sleeping. i mean it doesn't look like i wanna fuck tana. i mean i do but lik- wait what did i just think. fuck no. fuck no baby. i'm straight how many times do i have to tell myself. i turned to face tana who had a look of disablief on her face. "i'm so sorry billie" she looked so sincere. " it's okay mamas don't worry about him, he's always in a mood" i smile trying to reassure her. "although i'd better get going as i'm sure he's gonna want to talk to me in person, i'm sorry i'll talk to you later i promise" i smiled at tana. we said our goodbyes and she said thank you for her presents and then i left. i missed her allready fuck.

a/n i might just spam chapters if i can because i forget all the time i have a book up lmao. if you have any ideas of shit you want in this book later on let me know because tbh i only had an i idea for the start of this book

mamas you saved me - billie eilish fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now