Chapter 25

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Me and Rupert spent our days seeing sights and wandering around New York. He wanted to walk all the stairs up the Statue of Liberty, I didn't, so we went to try to get a ferry over to the island but it was the wrong ferry. I was relieved cos I was quite happy to see it from a distance. We agreed we'd try again the next day.

When we tried again the next day we got a different ferry and sailed straight past. We admitted failure on trying to get a ferry and stuck with my plan to see it from a distance.

On Wednesday evening we stopped off at the apartment to change into smart clothes for a posh dinner with Josh. He'd worked his showbiz connections to take us to a party at a very fancy restaurant. The two of us were home a little bit before Josh so I spread my make up out on his bed while Rupert tapped away on his computer, doing some work.

As usual Josh called out "I'm back!" as he arrived.

"So are we. I'm doing my make up in your room. Don't stand on the mess when you come in." I called.

"She always makes a mess." I heard my brother say.

"I'm normal. You have OCD." I retorted.

"That's your make up?" Josh asked at the door, looking over the items I'd laid out.

"Uh huh, I need it to look pretty." I shrugged.

"No you don't!" he dismissed. "You're beautiful without it."

I heard my brother snort with laughter in the other room. "She defiantly needs it!" he chuckled.

"Hey! We look alike, dude! I get the ugly from you!" I told him.

"Oh." he mumbled.

"I'm going for a shower." Josh told us.

I finished my make up, tidied up and started to get dressed while he sang in the shower. It was something quite operatic sounding today. When he got out the shower he scurried past me with just a towel around his waist, wet hair dripping down his back.

"What the? Where are you going?" I asked.

"Need to write something down." he muttered.

"You're dripping everywhere!" I told him and went to get the towel I used on my hair and some of my hair product.

I followed his wet foot prints to find him at the piano, recording stuff onto a little dictaphone. I gently wrapped the towel around his head and patted him dry. I ran some product through his hair, gave it a scrunch and then left him to it. He grabbed my hand as I went to go and kissed it.

"Does he do that a lot? Suddenly make music." Rupert asked.

"Not usually in a towel." I replied.

"You guys are adorable." he smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I'm going to get dressed. Unless you want your hair done too. You'll have to pay me."

"I'm good." he smiled.

We were both nearly ready to go by the time Josh was finished. I was putting on my shoes, sparkly silver brogues, as he came back into the room.

"Thanks for drying my hair." he muttered. "I'll hurry up."

Me and Rupert were chatting in the sitting room when he emerged in a dark blue suit and crisp white shirt. He looked so handsome. Something about blue made him even more handsome. He looked us over and groaned. We were both wearing three piece suits, mine was teal and Rupert's olive green, but Josh wasn't.

"I'm so underdressed with the style siblings." he sighed. "Does it run in the family or something?"

"No, she got all the style." Rupert pointed out. "Give me your tie. I'll do it properly."

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