Strange Locks

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Seventeen cups of black coffee was the secret to May's burst of energy. She needed the caffeine to keep herself awake after staying up for most of the night. May had spent most of her night on YouTube watching music videos and listening to interviews related to music generated from Tohma's record label. May found herself listening to the entire discography of Nittle Grasper, Bad Luck and A.S.K. She had hoped that hidden in their music would be clues and evidence that would lead to the true culprits behind the triple murder. May drifted off to sleep as her head rested against the side of her laptop at 4:35AM. When May opened her eyes it was 8:00AM.

At first, she didn't understand why Bad Luck and Nittle Grasper's music sounded so similar, but then once she found out that Shuichi had idolized Ryuichi Sakuma, the lead singer of Nittle Grasper in every aspect possible, it made sense to her. They had the same staff and same producer. Ryuichi and Shuichi were fierce music rivals at one point, but now they were very close friends, almost like lovers according to comments by fan girls.

For J-Pop, she thought the music was decent. The music wasn't bad for generic pop, but after spending hours listening to the music, she yearned for classic rock acts like Queen, Nirvana and Iron Maiden. May decided to check her emails to see if she had any new messages other than random notifications and she found that she had an email from Detective Gary Oak.

May clicked on Gary's email and waited for it to load. "Come on computer," May muttered to herself. "Good thing I'm not in a hurry." When the message finally loaded, May noticed that there was a lot of attachments in the email. From the small colourful logos, she could tell they were images.

Hi May,

Sorry to send you this so early in the morning. I didn't get much sleep last night so I decided to gather up I have so far and send the information I should have sent yesterday. I've got some photos of the crime scene attached, along with the profiles of all the victims. The prosecution wants believes the deaths of the members of A.S.K are related to the deaths of siblings, Yuki and Yoshiki Kitazawa. I thought it might help you to get prepared for tomorrow's trial.

Hope this all helps.

Best regards,

Detective Gary Oak

"Thank you Gary," May whispered at the screen. She downloaded all of the pictures and finds a message from Gary, containing photos of the crime and important details. May printed them and added them to the court record. May opened the PDF file first and carefully skimmed through the pages until she could find the important information that stood out for her.

She then downloaded the crime photos and could see that the three young men had all been shot directly in the heart. The murder weapon was believed to be a magnum revolver as the bullets in the crime scene all had 357 Magnum engraved around them. The very same gun that killed Yuki and Yoshika Kitazawa. May was amazed at how quickly the old cases were linked together. May printed them all out and put them in her bag.

May didn't notice when Phoenix walked through the door until he spoke.

"Have you been up in the office all night?" Phoenix asked. "How's the case getting along?"

"I know one thing for sure," May responded. "Eiri Uesugi is 100% innocent."

"Perhaps there will be more clues in N-G Records," Phoenix suggested. "I would talk to the people who work there, especially the ones that know Mr. Shindou and Mr. Uesugi. "

"Okay," May nodded.

"I don't think N-G Studios is far from here. I think it's four blocks away from the big hotel.

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