Family Puzzles

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Pikachu was so frigid, he was like a doll. He followed May whenever he went, just as Ash had instructed. Last night, May was kept awake by the sound of Pikachu's bawling. It was the first time May had heard about Ash's family other than his mother. She didn't even know anything about Ash's siblings. She had been round to Ash's house many times and there were lots of pictures of Ash and his friends, but nothing to suggest that Ash had any siblings. His mother was the only relative he actually mentioned.

She hoped she could find some answers through Davis.

May couldn't stop thinking about that gravestone with her name on it. She didn't bother applying her make-up, but she had her shower and cups of coffee before cycling she called into the Wright Anything Agency. She had plans to meet Trucy and get the earliest train to Pewter City to avoid the big traffic. When she strolled into the office, she saw Trucy on the couch waiting for her just like she said she would. Mr. Piplup sat on Trucy's lap.

"Good morning May!"

"Good morning Trucy."

May sighed. "What a day yesterday was."

"I know. I just bought some plushies on my phone."

May raised an eyebrow. "You did? Which ones?"

"I bought a Biyomon and Palmon plushie," Trucy replied. She flashed a picture of a pink bird with blue eyes and red beak next to a green creature with a pink flower on its head.

"Wow! They look so cute," May admitted.

"By the way," Trucy said as she put her phone back in her pocket. "Daddy's in. He wanted to speak to you."

May and Trucy went over to Phoenix. May had noticed that someone was there with him. A young woman with a unique hairstyle. A small bun at the top of her head and two thin horizontal pigtails and the rest of the hair flowing behind her back. She wore a purple that was slightly covered by a white clock. She must be sweating, May thought. The gigantic beads and a pendant shaped as a 9 also appeared to be heavy.

"Good morning, Mr. Wright."

"Good morning May," Phoenix said. The woman next to him smiled at him. "Please take a seat."

"Hi there Miss," May greeted the woman. She bowed to her, as she assumed that she must have been some sort of priestess or at least, a very important person.

"This is Maya Fey," Phoenix introduced the woman. "Your aunt. She's been a good friend of mine for a very long time."

"It's nice to meet you, May."

"It's... nice to meet you too." May couldn't hide the fact she was shocked. I have an aunt, she screamed inside her aunt. She leaned back against her chair and had to take a few deep breathes. She pondered how it was possible for Maya to be her aunt. If she was her aunt, which side of the family was she on? Her father was an only child, and she never recalled her mother having any siblings either. "Are you a long lost relative?"

"It seems that you're the long lost relative," Phoenix announced.

"So the grave we saw is more than just a coincidence?" Trucy asked as Mr. Piplup ran around the table appearing to be oblivious to everything. Nobody was taking much notice and allowed the pokemon to run wild.

"It turns out your parents had another daughter called May," Phoenix explained to the three women. "But the child was stillborn. They were devastated, but they decided to adopt a daughter to get over their grief."

"That's where my sister comes in," Maya explains to May. "She was in a happy relationship with Diego, but he was poisoned and fell into a deep coma. She was heartbroken and heavily pregnant at the time Diego was hospitalised. She took advice from Aunt Morgan and she advised Mia to give the unborn child away to be adopted. That child...was you."

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