The State Vs. Ash Ketchum

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Five years ago, in a peaceful town known as Pallet, somebody crept into Delia Ketchum's home and murdered her. Her youngest son, Ash was arrested for her murder. On the day he was arrested, Misty Waterflower was poisoned in a French restaurant in Cerulean City. Her doctors claimed that it was a miracle that she managed to hang on for so long.

Two crimes in two different cities with a deep connection to each other. Misty claimed that the person that poisoned her is the same person that murdered Delia Ketchum. Misty wanted Ash to be cleared, but yet wouldn't tell May anything yesterday on the day they met in Pallet Town.

It had been ten days since May's job interview with The Wright Anything Agency, and the moment she had been working towards was finally within her reach: Ash Ketchum's aquittal. Her friend and co-counsel for all of her trials, Trucy Wright stood beside her. Ash Ketchum, the defendant followed them both in silence with Pikachu on his shoulder.

"I really hope this isn't your last trial," Trucy told May. "You're a really good lawyer. We need people like you in this courtroom."

"She's right," Ash hissed. "You're wasting your time on me."

May's head twirled to Ash as she slapped him on the shoulder. "Now stop lying to me," May yelled. "I know you didn't kill your mother. And I'm going to find out the truth today."

Ash grinned and said nothing else. He had changed so much, Pikachu was sitting on May's shoulder instead of Ash. "These few days have dropped the most bombshells on me in the 21 years of my life," May admitted. "I never knew I was adopted until now. I mean for instance Trucy," May said with her fingers curled around her chin. "How would you feel if you and Apollo found out you were long lost siblings.

"It would be a shock," Trucy admitted, "but Apollo is cool."

Trucy opened the door to the defence lobby and saw that three people had been waiting in the lobby for May; a young boy and a middle-aged couple. There were three other young adults loitering around the corridor with their eyes on Ash. They were three of the most toughest trainers from the Kanto region: Red, Leaf and Silver Ketchum.

The tall lad cried out with his arms in the air. He charged towards her and crashed into her arms. "MAY! YOU'RE FINE!"

"Max..." May mumbled as she looked up at her brother's smile. "What are you talking about? Of course I'm fine."

"Drew messaged me on Facebook," Max explained to her as he took a step back and got his phone out. "He showed me a picture of a grave with your name on it and he said that there was a lawyer going round with your name." The speed of his breath increased as he panted. "I thought you were dead. Then Mom and Dad explained everything."

"Everything..." May said. "Does that include me being adopted."

"So you know all about it?" Norman asked as he lowered his head. "We should have told you all about Mia and Diego a long time ago. Please forgive us."

May said nothing, and hugged Norman.

"This might be the last time I see you," Max told May with his fingers round his eyes. "Please don't forget about us."

May jumped up and wrapped her arms around Max. "Don't be silly," she said to her younger brother. "No matter what happens, you'll always be my little brother... even if you are taller than me now."

"So you're May's family?" Trucy asked as she went up to them with Mr. Piplup in her arms. "I'm Trucy Wright."

"So you're the one that's been looking out for my daughter," Caroline said with a warm smile directed at Trucy. "I appreciate it."

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