A Pokémon Battle In Court

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May had no choice but to accept Franziska's challenge. She hadn't taken part in a Pokémon battle for a while, she thought, brushing dust of her pokéballs. Her face twirled around the court, and it was a full house. Behind her on the front row was Athena, Trucy and Apollo.

Next to Athena was a pale man with a black ponytail and white streaks in his hair. On his shoulder was a brown hawk, it wasn't a Pokémon, but it reminded May of some of the most fiercest bird Pokémon with it's stare and piercing yellow eyes.

Across the prosecution bench was her opponent, Franziska Von Karma, who held her whip at the level of her hair.

"I underestimated you in the trial," Franziska admitted as she tossed her whip on the the floor. The whip bounced and landed in Maya's lap. "That won't happen again, May Maple. That trial must have exhausted you."

"Me, tired?" May grinned. "I'm still going to give it everything I've got. Just you wait, Franziska."

The Judge banged his gavel as if he was conducting a trial. In a particular way, it was a trial, but a trial like no other. "The court is now in session for a Pokémon battle between Prosecutor Von Karma, and defence attorney, May Maple." The Judge cleared his throat. "This is the first time in the history of this court that we've conducted Pokémon battles. I shall be the the referee presiding this battle."

"Get on with it," Franziska demanded with her first pokéball out in the air.

"The battle shall follow official Pokémon league rules," the Judge announced. "The challengers are allowed to chose three Pokémon each. There shall be no time limit and battle will end until a challenger forfeits or until all three Pokémon are defeated. The prosecution shall chose their Pokémon first." The Judge slammed his gavel. "Let the battle commence!"

Athena pressed her widget against her chest and a blue electronic screen appeared before her, projecting from her widget. With the click of a few fingers she was able see all the Pokémon that the challengers could potentially have used.

"Oh boy," Athena said.

"What's wrong," Trucy asked.

"It looks like Prosecutor Von Karma has the upper hand."

Trucy gasped. "What makes you say that?"

"Look at Franziska's team: Froslass, Gardevoir, Florges, Dewgong, Bellossom and Rapidash," Athena explained. She pressed a tab on her screen and May's team popped up on the other half of the projection. "Look at May's team: Blaziken, Venusaur, Glaceon, Wartortle, Beautifly and Munchlax."

"What's wrong with that?" Trucy asked, wanting to believe that May would win. "It looks like a really balanced team."

"If May's as a good of a Pokémon trainer as she is a lawyer," said Apollo, "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"But even so," Athena said, "only four of her Pokémon are fully evolved, and one of them is really frail."

"This will be interesting," the man next to Athena smirked, patting his hawk. "Franziska's team is hardly the perfection she boasts so proudly about."

Athena raised an eyebrow. "Really Simon? I had no idea you knew about Pokémon battles."

"I met many of them in the clink," Simon said. "I even shared a cell with one. For starters, Franziska's team have major weakness to steal types. A lot of her team also have pitiful speed and physical defences."

Athena swiped the screen with the summaries of the pokémon. "You're right!"

"Can the mood matrix tell you what Pokémon, May and Franziska have chosen?" Trucy asked curiously peering over the screen.

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