The State Vs. Serena Yvonne

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May never saw Ash again that night. Athena stayed in the karaoke bar until her boyfriend, the famous twisted samurai prosecutor, Simon Blackquill arrived. He didn't stop long enough to sing, he took Athena's hand and escorted her out of the premises, reminding her that she had an early start the next morning. May had a feeling that Athena and Simon were going to have plenty of the lemons that they proudly boasted about in Ash's retrial. Only the Judge believed that there was actually any lemons involved.

After Athena left, Apollo sat between Trucy and May. He glanced at both girls and rubbed his chin. He squinted as he stood up in front of them and crossed his arms. "What happened?" Apollo asked in a direct manner.

"What do you mean?" Trucy looked up at Apollo and copied his arm movements.

"Everything is fine," May lied. Her eyes were closed, and deep down, she knew that Apollo wasn't buying any of it.

Apollo shook his head. "Ash has left, Mr. Blackquill has dragged Athena out of here and you two are sitting here not singing. Something happened."

A long moment of silence. May could faintly hear Trucy's heartbeat.

"May kissed me," Trucy admitted as she removed her hat. Trucy leaned over to May and patted her back. May buried her head in her hands. Both girls had cheeks redder than Apollo's work attire.

"It was an accident," May snapped quickly. She turned her body over to Trucy as her hands covered her ears. "I'm really sorry. I was trying to surprise Ash, but I kept my eyes closed and I didn't realise it was you."

Trucy pointed at her chest. "Wouldn't these have given it away?"

"I don't know," May sighed. "I just really into it and... it was a nice kiss."

"I'm sure Ash will understand," Apollo said.

"What if he saw?" May shrieked. "What if he thinks I'm cheating on him? Oh no..."

Three of them had a couple of songs together before walking back to Apollo's apartment. All three of them yawned one by one as they walked towards the path to Apollo's apartment. May could see that all that Apollo wanted to do was to get a good night's sleep.

"I didn't mean to shout at you earlier," Trucy said to May. "It was just a big shock to me."

"It was a shock for me too."

"It will all be fine in the morning," Apollo assured both girls. He leaned against the door and it swung open. Apollo jumped back and scratched his head.

"What's wrong, Apollo?" Trucy asked.

"I don't remember leaving the door open," he replied. He clearly remembered locking the door this morning. His heart began to jump as sweat began to roll down his forehead. "What if I've been robbed?" he asked himself. Without a further thought, he stomped into his apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"Keep it down," May suggested.

Just as Apollo was about to scream, his mouth got covered by somebody behind him. He heard an innocent giggle from behind him. He quickly recognised the voice as Athena Cykes. May gasped in shock. She had no idea where Athena came from and why she was in Apollo's apartment.

"Simon's sleeping," Athena whispered in Apollo's ear. "Don't wake him up."

They all crept into Apollo's lounge as May found Simon Blackquill resting peacefully on a leather sofa. May also took a moment to admire the décor in Apollo's department. She could tell that he loved the colour red.

"Apollo has a nice place," Trucy told May.


"Why is Mr. Blackquill sleeping on my couch? That was a gift from Klavier. " Apollo asked Athena. If looks could kill, Athena would be headless. "And why are you in your swimming costume."

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