The State Vs. Eiri "Yuki" Uesugi

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"I hope you've had a good night sleep," Trucy told May.

"I'm fine," May yawned. "I've had seventeen cups of coffee today."

"Seventeen?" Trucy gasped with her hands on her hips. "May, that's way too much coffee. You shouldn't put your health at risk like that; it puts you and the client in danger."

"It's been a daily routine of mine for ages," May said. "Ever since Ash went to prison."

May was aware of the consequences of too much caffeine, but she could not deny the fragrance of dark coffee in the premature sunrise. As a child, she used to despise the bitter taste of coffee, but now she couldn't get enough of it. The gallons of black coffee each morning had helped her stay bright and alert. She didn't think that she could get through any of the trials without the big dose of coffee.

All the courtrooms and lobbies were beginning to look the same. They were in lobby three, but May couldn't tell the difference between lobby one, two or three. Today was an important day for Tohma. If May messed up, she dreaded to think what Tohma had in store for her. Even though Tohma had been very kind to her since she took the case on, she didn't know how long it would last.

"Please do your best," Tohma requested. His body shook with more nerves and tension than Eiri. Eiri sat quietly on one of the chairs near the door. Shuichi was talking to his friends in the courtroom. "I'm afraid something terrible will happen if the truth doesn't come today."

May nodded as she scurried to her place in court with the court records on her side. On the other side of the court, was Klavier Gavin. May thought he seemed out of place as he dressed up more like a rock star than a servant of justice. May looked around the court, it was a full house. All the people she met during the past couple of days were on the front row. There also appeared to be a lot of paparazzi with all their gear.

The pressure was on.

"The court is now in session for the trial of Eiri Uesugi!" The Judge announced.

"The prosecution is ready to rock!" Klavier yelled as he did with his hands as to what could only be described as playing an air guitar.

"The defence is too," May added.

"Ah," The Judge said. "Prosecutor Gavin... Does it seem awkward having to prosecute against your band-mate's lover?"

Klavier looked at Eiri and then looked at the defence bench. He shook his head. "Nein Herr Judge, if Eiri is truly innocent then he has nothing to fear."

"Which he totally is by the way," May retorted.

"Are you sure about that?" May felt as if she was being taunted by him. "The evidence says otherwise. Eiri Yuki or known by his real name, Eiri Uesugi was indeed a charmer. He was accused of murdering his tutor, Yuki Kitazawa ten years ago. He was found not guilty due to self-defence. However, he's been on a killing spree ever since."

"You are aware that Mr. Shindou and Mr. Seguichi are present today?" May asked. "I'd hate you to be in trouble with work."

"The music is just a hobby," Klavier chuckled. "This is my true career."

"I remember him in The Gavinners," Trucy whispered to May. "Their music was totally awesome. Much better than Bad Luck anyway."

"I just want to get this trial started." May rammed her nails against the bench and then took a step back. She was so glad that Shuichi didn't hear Trucy.

"With so many victims it would have been hard to get away with it for so long by himself," Klavier announced. His fingers clicked over at Shuichi.

"What do you mean by that?" May questioned.

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