nana is a renowned serial killer in seoul, korea. nobody has caught them, they don't even know who it could possibly be. that was until detective in training lee jeno gives the case a try.
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nana is a renowned serial killer in seoul, korea. nobody has caught them, they don't even know who it could possibly be. that was until detective in training lee jeno gives the case a try.
so hey y'all, criminal minds have left me with this idea and to be honest, i'm excited about this plot line. this may get a bit graphic, so if you guys don't like the description of murder or anything of that sort, you guys can skip that part or not read this book at all. totally up to you.
also, i'm not really really familiar/up and personal with things pertaining to criminal justice and i'm solely going off of the tv show and some research on google oppar. so, if i do write something wrong, just comment and i'll double check and change it if necessary :)
me and -UWUZENwere exchanging ideas for this so go thank her for helping me with the plot and some of the scenes.