seven ➻〝ms.pretty lady〞

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❝i still can't believe that my brother is pregnant!❞ donghyuck exclaimed as he got inside his house, followed by mark who's carrying yijun.

❝i'll never shut up about my brother being pregnant! it's so rare, by rare i mean very rare for a male to get pregnant! there's only a 0.09% chance for a male to get pregnant! well except when it runs in your family and── but still!❞ donghyuck continued to ramble nonstop and it somehow made mark unconsciously smile. the baby noticed how mark's lips curved into a smile and it made him think on why on earth his marker is smiling like a creep.

❝you look like a creep marker.❞ baby yijun stated as he looked at mark like he was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen in his entire life. ❝put me down marker!❞

❝papa! why is marker smiling like a creep while looking at── mark's eyes widen as he heard the baby exposing him about him smiling unconsciously while staring at donghyuck and he was lucky that someone rang the doorbell before the baby could even finish his sentence.

❝i'll get it!❞ baby yijun giggled as he hopped his way to the front door.

❝hi pretty lady!❞ the little boy greeted the person behind the door. the girl then stared at the baby for a while before cracking a wide smile.

❝hello there little guy.❞ the girl ruffled his hair which made him giggle. the baby likes it whenever someone ruffles his hair or play with his hair, there's no in between on what he likes the most.

❝is donghyuck home?❞ the girl asked once again as she stood up properly while peeking inside the house.

❝why are you looking for my papa?❞ yijun suddenly raised a brow at the girl.

❝i wanted to give him his notebook which i borrowed from him earlier and i forgot to give it back but when i was about to, he suddenly left the school with his friend, mark.❞ the girl did her best to explain why she is at their house to the baby who's eyebrow is still raised at her.

the girl felt uneasy since the baby haven't talked nor moved for about some seconds now ever since she told him her reasons. ❝you mean marker?❞ was all the baby asked.

the girl felt confused. ❝who?❞

the baby moved aside from the door and pointed at the two males staring at each other with those small cute heart eyes. ❝my marker who colored baby yijun and papa's dull world!❞

❝yeah, i'm talking about marker... okay, here.❞ the girl handed the baby a notebook.

❝what is this ms.pretty lady?❞

❝it's your papa's notebook that i was talking about earlier. give it to him after i leave.❞ the girl said and was ready to leave but stopped when the baby asked her a question which made her smile bitterly.

❝ms.pretty lady, what is your name?❞ the baby asked.

❝i'm...❞ the girl hesitated. the baby just patiently waited for the pretty lady to answer his question when he heard his papa shout, ❝yijun! who's at the door?❞ from the living room which snapped both of the people by the door back to their senses.

❝a pretty lady!❞ yijun shouted back and looked up at the pretty lady in front of him only to see her crying.

❝m-ms.pretty lady, w-why are you crying?❞ the baby asked as he also felt like crying. he hates seeing people cry and whenever he sees someone crying, he would also feel like crying.

lee yijun ➯ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now